Late April or May 1967
Last updated on August 17, 2024
Location: 7 Cavendish Avenue, St John’s Wood, London, UK
Article Apr 19, 1967 • The Beatles & Co. is formed
Session Apr 19, 1967 • Mixing "Good Morning Good Morning", "Only A Northern Song"
Article Late April or May 1967 • Hanging out at Paul's home
Session Apr 21, 1967 • Mixing "Only A Northern Song", recording "Sgt. Pepper Inner Groove"
Next article Apr 22, 1967 • The Beatles play "Sgt. Pepper" at Mama Cass's flat in Chelsea
In late April or May of 1967, a young journalist named Stuart Kendall planned to interview John Lennon at Paul’s home. However, he forgot his camera, so he borrowed one from fan Lizzie Bravo, who was outside Paul’s home. Kendell was able to take some photos of Paul, John, Mick Jagger, and Maggie McGivern, who were also present.
Another attendee on that day was Terry Doran, who took a picture of Stuart Kendall with Paul, John, and Mick Jagger.
The photos of Paul’s interior revealed “Le Jeu De Mourre“, the René Magritte painting which inspired the Apple’s name and logo, and the alternative design of the “Sgt. Pepper” drum skin hanging on the walls.
Paul McCartney claimed on several occasions that, around June 1968, he acquired “Le Jeu de Mourre” through art dealer Robert Fraser. According to “Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now” by Barry Miles, Paul acquired it in the summer of 1966, in circumstances similar to those Paul associated with his June 1968 recollection.
I have a picture that Terry Doran took of me, John, Paul and Mick Jagger sitting on the sofa in Paul’s living room at Cavendish Avenue in St John’s Wood. He took it using an Instamatic camera that a fan gave me when I went in through the gates of the house on the afternoon of March 31st 1967, on the condition that I get a shot of John for her. I did, sitting in the back garden on the steps. The fan was called Lizzie Bravo and, 40 years later, now living in South America, she showed me the shot on the film cassette I gave back to her. I kept a film cassette for myself which had the picture that Terry D took. Lizzie was one of the girls who, years later, was waiting outside Abbey Road Studios when John wanted some girls to help with the backing on ‘Across The Universe’ and invited them in to Studio 2. I’d love to know where Terry Doran is now. Nice guy. Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Terry Doran – From Kenwood: Kenwood: Terry Doran. (, June 2009 – NB: March 31, 1967 is unlikely, considering the Rolling Stones were on tour in Europe, from March 25 to April 17, 1967.
lizzie was outside waiting for john, as usual… that’s mick jagger, and there’s a young lady there too. terry doran was there also, and george arrived as stu was leaving. terry took the photos of stuart and the three guys (john, paul and mick), but stu only has one, which he gave me in high definition. his whole story, beautifully told to me in detail several times, is in my book. i sent the chapter to stuart, he loved it and it has now been professionally reviewed (for grammar, etc.) and my friend also loved it and made just a couple of minor changes. i can’t wait for you all to read it, i’m getting VERY excited as the book is nearer and nearer to being ready. stu had lost these two photos. i accidentally found them in a very tiny size, and with some research we got to the person who had bought them at an auction and this person kindly sent stu a better scan. since stu thinks there might be some more pix and/or negatives in his attick somewhere, i think i’m going to offer my cleaning services to his lovely wife and try to find them next time i’m in london! i am a fab cleaner, believe me! and i am well-known for finding things that have been lost for a long time.
Lizzie Bravo – From LIZZIES CAMERA: « Beatle Photo Blog (, September 2013
hi again. just a note: since stu and i never exchanged names or addresses at the time, we only “found” each other a few years ago. he had never seen the stunning photo of john he had taken for me (the film in my camera only had ONE frame left!) nor had i ever seen the photo of him with the lads or these two or the one of martha sitting on paul’s lap that came out in the beatles monthly.
Lizzie Bravo – From LIZZIES CAMERA: « Beatle Photo Blog (, September 2013
In my garden at Cavendish Avenue, which was a 100-year-old house I’d bought, Robert was a frequent visitor. One day he got hold of a Magritte he thought I’d love. Being Robert, he would just get it and bring it. I was out in the garden with some friends. I think I was filming Mary Hopkin with a film crew, just getting her to sing live in the garden, with bees and flies buzzing around, high summer. We were in the long grass, very beautiful, very country-like. We were out in the garden and Robert didn’t want to interrupt, so when we went back in the big door from the garden to the living room, there on the table he’d just propped up this little Magritte. It was of a green apple. That became the basis of the Apple logo. Across the painting Magritte had written in that beautiful handwriting of his ‘Au Revoir’. And Robert had split. I thought that was the coolest thing anyone’s ever done with me. When I saw it, I just thought: ‘Robert’. Nobody else could have done that. Of course we’d settle the bill later. He wouldn’t hit me with a bill.
Paul McCartney – From “Groovy Bob: The Life and Times of Robert Fraser” by Harriet Vyner, 1999
The Beatles Diary Volume 1: The Beatles Years
"With greatly expanded text, this is the most revealing and frank personal 30-year chronicle of the group ever written. Insider Barry Miles covers the Beatles story from childhood to the break-up of the group."
We owe a lot to Barry Miles for the creation of those pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - a day to day chronology of what happened to the four Beatles during the Beatles years!
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Romeo jr Tirona • 1 year ago
Can you make another album of purely acoustics underdubbed...