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Monday, January 22, 1968

Apple Corps open offices in London


Last updated on November 27, 2024


Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
  • Location: 95 Wigmore St, London, UK


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Apple’s first office was situated at 94 Baker Street, London, above the Apple Boutique. On January 22, 1968, Apple Corps inaugurated a new office at 95 Wigmore Street, London.

The company remained at Wigmore Street until July 1968. In May 1968, it purchased a property at 3 Savile Row, London, and relocated there on July 15. However, some Apple operations continued at Wigmore Street until the expiration of the lease.

An amusing tidbit is that Apple’s staff were prohibited from playing music at Wigmore Street to avoid disturbing other tenants in the building.

[…] Apple’s first office was above the boutique, then shortly afterwards they moved to more permanent, although still temporary, offices at 95 Wigmore Street on January 22. The choice of Marylebone as a location was Paul McCartney’s: he knew the area well from living for several years in Wimpole Street in the house of his then girlfriend Jane Asher. Apple’s appointed A&R man, Peter Asher, also lived there in Weymouth Street, so it was convenient for both of them. […]

Barry Miles – From Why The Beatles Created Apple Music | Medium

I wish to inform you that under the terms of our lease, we are strictly prohibited from playing any musical instruments (including tape recorders and record players) on these premises. If there are any complaints from our superior landlords who are above us or our landlords who are below us, we can be sued for breach of our lease.

Internal memo at 95 Wigmore Street – From “The Beatles: Off the Record” by Keith Badman, 2008

Apple was in Wigmore Street, London, first as a temporary measure, and I decided to move out first, long before Savile Row was properly ready. Wigmore Street was really awful. It was occupied mostly by office people, strapped into suits and ties and we were forever getting stoned in the evenings and finding ourselves locked in by those people whose delight is in locking and bolting doors and running to the pub for a fix of firewater and ice, and fuck anyone who’s locked in.

Derek Taylor – From “As Time Goes By” by Derek Taylor, 2018

From Kenwood: Duke Street and Wigmore Street: Apple and ale. (kenwoodlennon.blogspot.com) – In the first half of 1968, Apple resided not at Savile Row, but at 95 Wigmore Street, where the corps occupied a 4th floor suite. Above is a shot of John, Paul and Neil Aspinall from that time in that location. Duke Street, a small terrace connecting Wigmore Street and Manchester Square (then home to EMI), can be seen through the window over John’s shoulder. The lower pic above dates from the early 70s, and was taken in Duke Street, near the Devonshire Arms, which is on the left. […]
From beatles-chronology.ru
From B31660 – The Beatles 1968 Apple Corps Wigmore Street Letterhead Paper (UK) – Tracks – A rare piece of Apple Corps Ltd. 95 Wigmore Street, London, W1 letterhead paper from 1968. The paper has the early Apple design on the right side. Directors N. S. Aspinall – H. Pinsker – D O’DELL printed at the bottom. This is one of the earliest examples of Apple letterhead paper and also one of the rarest as The Beatles only had a one year lease at Wigmore Street before moving to Savile Row.

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The Beatles Diary Volume 1: The Beatles Years

"With greatly expanded text, this is the most revealing and frank personal 30-year chronicle of the group ever written. Insider Barry Miles covers the Beatles story from childhood to the break-up of the group."

We owe a lot to Barry Miles for the creation of those pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - a day to day chronology of what happened to the four Beatles during the Beatles years!

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