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Sunday, May 26, 1968

Paul McCartney directs promo film for Grapefruit

Last updated on December 25, 2024


  • Location: Hyde Park, London, UK


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Grapefruit was a London-based band, brought together by Terry Doran of Apple Publishing, the music publishing company started and owned by the Beatles. The band was formed late 1967 and was given its name by John Lennon. In January 1968, John Lennon and Paul McCartney produced one of their songs, “Lullaby”. And on this day, Paul McCartney directed a promo film for “Elevator“, one of their upcoming songs.


The Beatles’ protege group, “Grapefruit”, have just released their new single “Elevator”. Paul decided that they should make a special film to promote the record on television, so, he took “Grapefruit” into Hyde Park and directed them in a three-minute sequence.

Loads of people came up with the usual reaction on seeing Paul – “Is it? – No, it can’t be! Yes, I’m sure it is”, etc. Eventually, about 50 fans cornered him around the Albert Memorial, so Paul gave in and signed some autographs.

From The Beatles Monthly Book, N°58, May 1968
From the Beatles Monthly Book, N°58, May 1968

From The Cosmic Empire: A Beatles & George Harrison Fan Blog – Paul photographed in Kensington Gardens and at the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park with the band, Grapefruit on 26th May 1968. Paul was directing a promotional film for Grapefruit’s song, ‘Elevator’.
From Beatles and Solo Photos Forum (tapatalk.com)
Grapefruit and Paul McCartne yin Hyde Park. From Twitter – McCartney and TheGrapeFruit. A band that achieved success with a little help from the Beatles. Named “Grapefruit” by Lennon, inspired by the title of Ono book. From 1967 to 68 (ending in 69) they seemed on the way to stardom. Lennon & Paul were co-producers some of their songs
From The Cosmic Empire: A Beatles & George Harrison Fan Blog – Paul photographed in Kensington Gardens and at the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park with the band, Grapefruit on 26th May 1968. Paul was directing a promotional film for Grapefruit’s song, ‘Elevator’.
From The Cosmic Empire: A Beatles & George Harrison Fan Blog – Paul photographed in Kensington Gardens and at the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park with the band, Grapefruit on 26th May 1968. Paul was directing a promotional film for Grapefruit’s song, ‘Elevator’.

From beatles-chronology.ru – A telegram from Paul McCartney congratulating Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Knowles on their wedding: “Know that the other three will want to join me in wishing you both all the best and all that you can wish for yourself.”
From beatles-chronology.ru – Paul McCartney signed the Kennell document for the purchase of two purebred dogs. The document reads: “For delivery of two male Yorkshire Terrier puppies for £40 each, £80 in total.” May 29, 1968 Apple Accounts Department Stamp: “Approved for Payment.”

Going further

The Beatles Diary Volume 1: The Beatles Years

"With greatly expanded text, this is the most revealing and frank personal 30-year chronicle of the group ever written. Insider Barry Miles covers the Beatles story from childhood to the break-up of the group."

We owe a lot to Barry Miles for the creation of those pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - a day to day chronology of what happened to the four Beatles during the Beatles years!

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