Thursday, January 9, 1975
Last updated on July 6, 2023
Previous article 1975 • Wings Fun Club newsletter N°1, 1975 published
Session January 16th - February 24th, 1975 • Venus And Mars sessions at Sea-Saint Studios
Interview Circa January 1975 • Geoff Britton interview for Wings Fun Club
Article Jan 09, 1975 • The Beatles & Co. partnership is dissolved
Session Jan 20, 1975 • Recording "Lunch Box / Odd Sox"
Session Jan 22, 1975 • Recording "Venus And Mars - Reprise"
Next article March 1975 • Geoff Britton leaves Wings
Final break-up for Beatles
THE last legal links plea financial affa i r s between the f our could still take years to former Beatles have been unravel. quietly cut One of the main rea. The partnership was sons for the break-up dissolved at private was McCartney’s opposi- High Court hearing tion to American busialmost four Years after nessman Allen Klein, Paul McCartney issued a whom the others hired writ to split the group as their manager In up. 1971. Solicitors acting for Since then, Joh n. the ex-Beatles said that George and Ringo have all disputes had been fallen out with settled. But their corn- and are suing him.
The Beatles Diary Volume 2: After The Break-Up 1970-2001
"An updated edition of the best-seller. The story of what happened to the band members, their families and friends after the 1970 break-up is brought right up to date. A fascinating and meticulous piece of Beatles scholarship."
We owe a lot to Keith Badman for the creation of those pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - a day to day chronology of what happened to the four Beatles after the break-up and how their stories intertwined together!
The Beatles - The Dream is Over: Off The Record 2
This edition of the book compiles more outrageous opinions and unrehearsed interviews from the former Beatles and the people who surrounded them. Keith Badman unearths a treasury of Beatles sound bites and points-of-view, taken from the post break up years. Includes insights from Yoko Ono, Linda McCartney, Barbara Bach and many more.
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