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September 7th-14th, 1976

1st Buddy Holly Week

Last updated on October 25, 2023


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On September 7th, 1976, Buddy Holly would have had 40 years old. Paul McCartney being a fan of the man, and owning his publishing rights, decided to organize a Buddy Holly Week (from September 7th to 14th) to remember and celebrate; this would become a yearly event, always starting on the September 7th, organized till 1999.

On the opening day of the Week, a luncheon was organized at the Orangery in Holland Park, London, with Norman Petty, Buddy Holly’s manager, co-writer and producer, as the guest of honour, and invitees such as Denny Laine, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Roger Daltrey, Queen, 10cc…

Roger and Heather Daltrey (left) and Paul and Linda McCartney were not just out for a typically British stroll. They had joined other stars like Elton John and Eric Clapton at a luncheon in honor of the late American rock pioneer Buddy Holly. The gathering, organized by a newly mustached McCartney, coincided with what would have been Holly’s 40th birthday (he was killed in a 1959 plane crash) and kicked off Buddy Holly Week throughout Britain. Explained Elton, an impressionable 11 when Holly died: “He was one of my earliest heroes”

From People Magazine, September 1976
From People Magazine, September 1976
From Facebook – -…-.-Linda & Paul McCartney with , Pattie Boyd, Eric Clapton and Brian May at their 40th anniversary Buddy Holly party-..-.-.-
From this blog – Color Polaroid shared by Stephen Bishop on his Facebook page. Paul and Linda McCartney hosted the party on September 7th celebrating the 40th anniversary of Buddy Holly’s birth kicking off a week of events in Britain. Linda and Paul chatting with Pattie Boyd and Eric Clapton along with Stephen Bishop (wearing a tie) and unidentified man. Stephen Bishop commented about the photo on his Facebook page: “My friend took this pic while I snuck behind McCartney… Such a Beatleholic…” – https://www.facebook.com/stephen.bishop.9615
From this blog Group shot at the Buddy Holly party published in the first issue of Club Sandwich in 1977. Scan from the Meet the Beatles for Real blog, originally from the Linda Eastman Forever Facebook page. Paul & Linda and Stephen Bishop center, Elton John standing behind Paul, Eric Clapton is second from left in front. Denny Laine is fourth from left in front (possibly his wife Jo Jo beside him?) – Pattie standing in second row behind Denny Laine – she’s laughing. Where are the Daltrey’s?
From Jimmy McCulloch Facebook profile – #WingsWednesday Buddy Holly Week, September 1976
From Facebook – An original invitation to lunch at The Orangery, Holland Park, London on Tuesday September 7th 1976. The invite was from MPL and sent out to guests to celebrate the start of the very first Buddy Holly week. In attendance at the lunch amongst others were Paul and Linda McCartney, Eric Clapton, Pattie Boyd, Elton John and Roger Daltrey and Denny Laine. The invite measures 15cm x 10cm (6 inches x 4 inches).
From Facebook

Buddy Holly Week Lunch

At the Buddy Holly Luncheon, the Orangery, Holland Park – September 7, 1976

Left to right: Brian Brolly, MPL; Douglas Maxwell, G. Whizzard; Roy Featherstone, MCA; Brian Mulligan. Music Week; Peter Robinson, MCA; Howie Casey, Wings; Nick Nickola. UPI; Paul Winn. MPL; Alan Crowder. MPL; Tony Bramwell; Mrs. Tony Prince; Ray Coleman. M.M.; Roy Carr. N.M.E.; Tony Prince, Radio Luxembourg D.J.; John Gould, EMI; Tony Brainsby; Patti Harrison; “Unidentified Object”; “Unidentified Object”; Mrs. Vi Petty; Trevor Jones, MPL; Roger Taylor, Queen; Brian May, Queen; Elton John: Joe English, Wings; David Munns, EMI; Kevin Godley, 10cc; John Deacon, Queen; Eric Stewart, lOc.c.; Steve Harley; Michael Appleton; Yvonne Keeley; Paul Gambaccini, B.D.C. D.J.; Phil Manzanera. Roxy Music; Graham Gouldman, 10cc. Shirley Natanson. EMI; Paul Watts, EMI; Eric Hall, EMI; J. J. Jackson. U.S DJ.; “Unidentified Object”; Bob Mercer. EMI; John Beecher. Buddy Holly Fan Club.

Sealed, left to right: Christine Mackie, MPL; Eric Clapton; John Reid; Denny Laine. Wings; Joanne Laine; Norman Petty; Paul McCartney; Linda McCartney; Lol Creme. 10cc.; StephenBishop; Jane McKay; Andy McKay. Roxy Music; Sharon Manzanera; Adrienne Hunter, E. G. Management; Sue Thompson; Pauline MacLeod, Daily Mirror; Paul Thompson, Roxy Music; Ann Gillham, MPL; Ian Meldrum, Australian DJ.

Missing was Alan ‘Fluff Freeman who was busy tickling the photographer

From Club Sandwich #1, February / March 1977
From Club Sandwich #1, February / March 1977
From Facebook
From New Musical Express – September 18, 1976

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Whitney Rix Victory II • 1 year ago

Does anyone have a copy of the reel shot in Lubbock, Texas in the 80s for Buddy Holly Week? It was shot with Doug Nelson and I, the KTXT van and the limo is mine. Doug and I did the 3 Buddy Holly Music Festivals in Lubbock, Texas in the 80s. I have the picture when Maria Elena and Don McLean got the platinum for Buddy Holly Lives from our mayor. I'd love to know if the video is still around.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Hi Whitney, thanks for your message that I've shared on a few Beatles forums, but so far no positive response. I will let you know if I hear back. Thanks.

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