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Monday, June 19, 1978

Paul and Linda assist at a Rolling Stones concert

Last updated on February 29, 2024


  • Location: The Palladium, New York City, USA


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Backstage was, as usual, a zoo. In some places, there were so many friends, it was difficult to get away and actually play. In New York, Paul and Linda McCartney came backstage and later joined me at my hotel. We sat around listening to music and chatted. The conversation got around to the fact that I carried a video recorder with me on tour to tape things off the TV. I played videos of early Beatles’ shows from the mid-1960s, which Paul himself had never seen.

Bill Wyman – From “Rolling With The Stones“, 2003
From Paul and Linda McCartney backstage with Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman at… Photo d’actualité – Getty Images – Paul and Linda McCartney (right) backstage with Mick Jagger (left) and Bill Wyman (centre) at a Rolling Stones concert at The Palladium, New York City, 19th June 1978. (Photo by Michael Putland/Getty Images)
From Paul and Linda McCartney with Ronnie Wood of The Rolling Stones… News Photo – Getty Images – Paul and Linda McCartney with Ronnie Wood of The Rolling Stones backstage at the Palladium in New York City on June 19, 1978. (Photo by Michael Putland/Getty Images)
From Photographer Michael Putland captures David Bowie, George Michael and John Lennon | Daily Mail Online – Paul and Linda McCartney talking to Mick Jagger ( in mirror ). New York City 1978 The Rolling Stones
From Beatle’s girls on Instagram: “Paul and Linda McCartney and The Rolling Stones after the concert at the Palladium Theatre, New York on June 19, 1978🌺 #paulmccartney…”
From Beatle’s girls on Instagram: “Paul and Linda McCartney and The Rolling Stones after the concert at the Palladium Theatre, New York on June 19, 1978🌺 #paulmccartney…”
From Beatle’s girls on Instagram: “Paul and Linda McCartney and The Rolling Stones after the concert at the Palladium Theatre, New York on June 19, 1978🌺 #paulmccartney…”

Going further

The Beatles Diary Volume 2: After The Break-Up 1970-2001

"An updated edition of the best-seller. The story of what happened to the band members, their families and friends after the 1970 break-up is brought right up to date. A fascinating and meticulous piece of Beatles scholarship."

We owe a lot to Keith Badman for the creation of those pages, but you really have to buy this book to get all the details - a day to day chronology of what happened to the four Beatles after the break-up and how their stories intertwined together!

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The Beatles - The Dream is Over: Off The Record 2

This edition of the book compiles more outrageous opinions and unrehearsed interviews from the former Beatles and the people who surrounded them. Keith Badman unearths a treasury of Beatles sound bites and points-of-view, taken from the post break up years. Includes insights from Yoko Ono, Linda McCartney, Barbara Bach and many more.

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