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Side 1

  1. Ya Ya Part 1 & 2

    Studio version

  2. Sweet Georgia Brown

    Written by Ben Bernie, Maceo Pinkard, Kenneth Casey

    Studio version • Version with original lyrics

  3. Skinny Minny

    Studio version

Paul McCartney writing

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André • 5 years ago

I'm wondering if this recording of Ya Ya is the same that is heard on The Beatles' First ! (AKA : In the Beginning (Circa 1960) or The Early Tapes of the Beatles on CD)

The PaulMcCartney Project • 5 years ago

Hi Andre, I would think so. I'm only aware of one recording of this song by Tony Sheridan backed with the Beatles. Thanks

André • 5 years ago

Hi, Ya Ya is not one of the songs recorded with the Beatles. According to the liner notes for « The Early Tapes of the Beatles » written by Bill Harry (editor of Mersey Beat and friend of the band), the musicians are Tony Sheridan (guitar et vocals), Rikki Barnes (saxophone), Roy Young (piano), Peter Wharton (bass) et Johnny Watson (drum). On that album, it's sounds like a live recording but the notes say it was recorded in studio Rahlstedt on August 28, '62. Do you know of any sources that examine the details of this recording (ie: venue, etc.) (and of Skinny Minny) ? Since Sweet Georgia Brown was recorded by the Beatles, there are many sources that details its recording. But these liner note erroneously say that SGB was recorded in Hamburg's Musikhalle on the wrong date, so maybe that was where Ya Ya was actually recorded live - but this is speculation on my part. What are your thoughts ? Thanks again.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 5 years ago

You're right Andre, the Beatles were not on Ya Ya, that's why I haven't created a page for this song. I have the feeling that you know far more details than me on those recordings! I'll check a few books when I'm back home in a couple of weeks, to see if I can find anything

André • 5 years ago

Thanks and enjoy the rest of you vacations !

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