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Born Mar 05, 1947

Julia Baird


  • Born: Mar 05, 1947

Interviews conducted by Julia Baird

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From Wikipedia:

Julia Baird (née Dykins; born 5 March 1947) is a British retired teacher and author. She is the younger half-sister of English musician John Lennon, and is the eldest daughter of his mother Julia Lennon (12 March 1914 – 15 July 1958) and John ‘Bobby’ Albert Dykins (1918 – December 1965). She also has an older half-sister, Ingrid Pedersen. Her younger sister is Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Dykins (born 26 October 1949).

Lennon started visiting the Dykins’ house in 1951. After the death of Julia Lennon in 1958, Harriet and Norman Birch were appointed guardians of Julia and Jackie, ignoring Dykins’ parentage, as he had never legally married their mother. Lennon invited the Dykins sisters to visit after the success of the Beatles, when he was living in Kenwood, Weybridge, with his then-wife, Cynthia Lennon.

Julia Dykins (Baird) married Allen Baird in 1968 and moved to Belfast. They had three children together but were divorced in 1981. Baird worked as a special needs teacher, and after Lennon’s death she wrote John Lennon, My Brother (with Geoffrey Giuliano) and gave up working in 2004 to write Imagine This – Growing up with my brother John Lennon. In 2009, the book was adapted into the film Nowhere Boy. She is now a director of Cavern City Tours in Liverpool. […]

Albums, EPs & singles which Julia Baird contributed to

Paul McCartney writing

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