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Mark McKenzie

Last updated on December 12, 2020

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Mark McKenzie is an American film composer and orchestrator. In November 2012, he participated to the recording of the music suite “Music Of Spheres“, co-written by Martin O’Donnell, Michael Salvatori and Paul McCartney.

From Mark McKenzie:

Working with Paul McCartney at Abbey Road Studios on the music for Bungie’s electronic game DESTINY was rewarding. Both his musicianship and humanity were refreshing. After conversations about the Beatles, family, the concerts he was doing, USC football, various Beatles songs,  Paul put his arm around me and told my composer friends Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori “We’re mates!”  I admire this man for more than his music. He loves people and has absolutely no air of self-importance. When I asked how it felt to have such a legacy he said: “Sometimes I wake up in the morning and tell myself “Hey, I did pretty good getting into that band called The Beatles.” Always quick to laugh, no wonder we love him and his music so much.

Mark McKenzie
From Mark McKenzie – Composer Mark McKenzie with Sir Paul McCartney at Abbey Road Studios
From Mark McKenzie – Composer Mark McKenzie with Sir Paul McCartney at Abbey Road Studios

Recording sessions Mark McKenzie participated in

Albums, EPs & singles which Mark McKenzie contributed to

Paul McCartney writing

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