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Saturday, March 24, 1962


Concert • By The Beatles • Part of the 1962 Liverpool Area Concerts

Last updated on April 6, 2018



  • Location: Heswall Jazz Club


From Facebook:

#OnThisDay 24MAR1962 The Beatles first wore their new Beno Dorn suits on stage at the Barnston Women’s Institute for a Heswall Jazz Club dance. This marked the end of the rough black leather and jeans style that had been their mainstay for the past two years. Brian Epstein had been their manager for only two months, but he moved quickly to change their dress code and stage persona. No more swearing, drinking, or smoking onstage, and soon enough, a nice synchronized “Beatle bow” was added.

Heswall Jazz Club

This was the 1st concert played at Heswall Jazz Club.

A total of 3 concerts have been played there • 1962Mar 24Jun 30Sep 25

Too bad, there is no song listed for this concert. If you've been there, help us fill the set list for this concert by writing a comment!
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Ward • 5 years ago

I believe that they are going to demolish this building

The PaulMcCartney Project • 5 years ago

Thank you Ward. So many of those old venues have already disappeared...

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