Saturday, September 8, 1962
Concert • By The Beatles • Part of the 1962 Liverpool Area Concerts
Location: YMCA
Concert Sep 06, 1962 • United Kingdom • Liverpool • Evening
Concert Sep 07, 1962 • United Kingdom • Irby
Concert Sep 08, 1962 • United Kingdom • Birkenhead
Concert Sep 08, 1962 • United Kingdom • Birkenhead
This was the 1st and only concert played at YMCA.
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Diane Timperley • 9 years ago
Aged 15, and helping in the cloakroom, was thrilled when three of our local group (John, Paul and George) arrived at the "Y" in their new collar-less suits (with their scruffy jeans a thing of the past) chatting to J/P/G they were excited for us to meet Ringo who appeared later and the boys invited my friend and I back-stage to meet him.
They pleaded we buy their record "Love Me Do" due out October 5th so I asked whether It was any good??
Later asked them for their autographs "in case they became famous one day!" The Beat Cats, also performing asked whether I wanted their autographs, to which the answer was a resounding "No thanks!"
Was invited by the boys to join them in their van to their next venue at The Magestic Ballroom! I refused as my mother had warned me not to go there as the place was full of drunken teddy boys! Besides, being a Mod rather than a Rocker, I preferred the basement club, The Cubic, almost next door which sold soft drinks, was more mellow but smelt a little "different"⁉️
The PaulMcCartney Project • 9 years ago
Hi Diane,
What an awesome story you are telling us there ! How incredible it must have been for you to follow them from their start as a local group to the rise to fame !
Thank you very much !