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Sunday, July 28, 1963

Great Yarmouth

Concert • By The Beatles • Part of the Summer 1963 UK Tour



  • Location: ABC Cinema


ABC Cinema

This was the 2nd concert played at ABC Cinema.

A total of 2 concerts have been played there • 1963Jun 30Jul 28

Too bad, there is no song listed for this concert. If you've been there, help us fill the set list for this concert by writing a comment!
Paul McCartney writing

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gillian ednie • 1 year ago

I saw The Beatles twice in Gt Yarmouth June 63 and July 63 - the first time sat 3 rows from the front on the right hand side - opposite John! The second time in the balcony. I was not a screamer! Can remember them singing 'Do you want to know a secret' because I loved George and 'Twist and Shout'.

In the early 1980's was in East Hampton (Long Island NY) and missed Paul by minutes - he was buying children's shoes and when I got to the store my employer - also buying shoes said 'Guess who you just missed?'

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Thanks Gillian, what awesome memories !

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