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Saturday, October 19, 1963


Concert • By The Beatles

Last updated on March 19, 2023


  • Country: United Kingdom
  • City: Buxton
  • Location: Pavilion Gardens Ballroom


  • Location: Pavilion Gardens Ballroom


From Home / Twitter – An overexcited fan is removed from the audience by the authorities as The Beatles play Pavilion Gardens Ballroom in Buxton, 19th October 1963. Messrs Lennon and McCartney, seemingly unfazed, look on.

Pavilion Gardens Ballroom

This was the 2nd concert played at Pavilion Gardens Ballroom.

A total of 2 concerts have been played there • 1963Apr 6Oct 19

Too bad, there is no song listed for this concert. If you've been there, help us fill the set list for this concert by writing a comment!
Paul McCartney writing

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Derrick Croft • 7 years ago

19th October 1963 was the second time the Beatles played at the Pavilion Gardens in Buxton. The first time they came was 6th April 1963 when they were supported by the Trixons.

Dave Gower • 7 years ago

They also played here on Saturday 6 April 1963!

The PaulMcCartney Project • 7 years ago

Thanks Derrick ! Fixed !

Rodger Mycock • 5 years ago

I have fond memories of the evening of 19th October 1963. I play with the one of the support bands playing that evening. The name of the band is The Deltones. We spent most of the evening back stage and were in the wings of the stage wealst the Beatles were playing. We also took John, Paul, George & Ringo sandwiches into their dressing room during there visit. It was nearly impossible to here the music they played that evening due to the screams from the audience despite being in the wings of the stage. I have treid for many years to find a copy of the poster for that evening for a souvenir without any success

I trust this is helpful.

Best regards

The PaulMcCartney Project • 5 years ago

Hi Rodger, what a fond memory you are sharing with us !!! Thanks a lot, for this !!

Regarding the poster, have you tried contacted https://thebeatlesposters.com/ ? This is the official website of Tony Booth, and they do reproductions of early 60s Beatles posters. I hope it can be helpful.

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