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Monday, September 7, 1964


Concert • By The Beatles • Part of the Summer 1964 US & Canada Tour

Last updated on August 12, 2023


  • Country: Canada
  • City: Toronto
  • Location: Maple Leaf Gardens


Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
  • Location: Maple Leaf Gardens


From The Beatles Bible:

The Beatles performed two concerts on this night at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Canada. A total of 35,522 tickets were sold for the shows, making $93,000 for the group. […]

The first show was due to begin at 4pm, but The Beatles took to the stage after 5.30. They were introduced by Jungle Jay Nelson of radio station CHUM. The other acts on the bill were, in order of appearance, The Bill Black Combo, The Exciters, Clarence ‘Frogman’ Henry, and Jackie DeShannon. […]

In between the two shows the group posed for photographs with local DJs, fan club presidents and Miss Canada, and gave a press conference to reporters. Their second performance began at 10pm.

This is the second show

From Beatles Concert Tickets – Toronto 9/7/64 (rarebeatles.com)

Maple Leaf Gardens

This was the 2nd concert played at Maple Leaf Gardens.

A total of 7 concerts have been played there • 1964Sep 7Sep 71965Aug 17 (4pm show)Aug 17 (8pm show)1966Aug 17 (4pm show)Aug 17 (8pm show)1976May 9

Setlist for the concert

  1. If I Fell

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “Summer 1964 US & Canada Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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Regena Levene • 4 years ago

I can’t believe I was there… couldn’t hear the music but it was an AMAZING concert… oh how I loved them especially Paul and I am on Facebook Beatles groups to this day… very surreal… At least I have and listen to all their Fab music almost every day…

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your memories, Regena. It's indeed impressive how sticky and lasting their music was / still is !!

James Cooke • 4 years ago

I was there 2nd row behind but have no idea which show. I won the tickets from Dairy Queen. My first natural high when they finally came out…what a racket!

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Thanks James ! Must be awesome souvenirs !

Catherine • 2 years ago

Fun memory = a bus trip from Belleville, Ontario (2hrs east of Toronto). My neighbour Beverly and I were absolutely thrilled to go! Our Maple Leaf Gardens’ seats were wayyyyyy up in the rafters, the Greys, but it was terrific to be there. One dominant memory for me was that every time Paul sang, the girl sitting behind me went berserk, jumped up screaming … and her (large) set of binoculars hit me in the head. But, who cared. :-)))

The PaulMcCartney Project • 2 years ago

Thanks Catherine, sharing those great memories !

Carolyn King • 1 year ago

I was at the second show. I have forgotten that there was also an afternoon show.

I went with 3 friends from high school. My friend Carl's grandmother had lined up to get tickets for us, getting there VERY early. They interviewed her on CHUM radio – the 50-year-old woman who was 4th in line to get tickets!

The concert was incredible, even for us sitting way up in the greys. I didn't know that I was going to cream. but of course all we girls did. And yes, we could hear the music a bit. I made a list of the songs they sang.

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