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Sunday, May 16, 1976


Concert • By Wings • Part of the Wings Over the World tour

Last updated on June 12, 2015


  • Country: USA
  • City: Landover
  • Location: Capital Centre


  • Location: Capital Centre


Some songs from this concert appear on:

It is not known for sure if “Soily” was performed this night. Paul says ‘See ‘ya next time’ after “Hi, Hi, Hi”

Capital Centre

This was the 2nd concert played at Capital Centre.

A total of 2 concerts have been played there • 1976May 15May 16

Setlist for the concert

  1. Encore

See song statistics for “Wings Over the World tour”

Going further

Wings Live - On tour in the 70s

This is the first detailed study of Paul McCartney's Wings on tour in the 1970s. It covers every single concert from the University Tour of 1972, ending with the abandoned tour of Japan in January 1980. A wide variety of primary sources have been consulted, including all available audio and video recordings; press reviews; fan recollections; newspaper reports and tour programmes.

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Abby Burns • 4 years ago

I absolutely was sung. I was there.

M • 1 year ago

I was at both nights of the concert. Soily was performed the first night but not the second.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Thanks M!

Karen • 1 year ago

This concert was amazing- one of the highlights of my life! My birthday present (I turned 17 the following week.) Paul was, and still is, my idol, and couldn’t believe I was seeing him in person!! He was so generous with his time and all the songs he sang, he made standing outside the Cap Centre for hours to get in (festival seating) worth it! When I think back that all I had to do to buy tickets was walk up to the ticket window in Silver Spring, and they cost under $20 each, the whole experience seems surreal! (It was a lot harder to get tickets the other three times I saw him!) And the icing on the cake was Paul on the cover of Time magazine 5-31-16!

The PaulMcCartney Project • 1 year ago

Thanks Karen for sharing those wonderful memories, and thanks for the mention of Time magazine - a good article there !

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