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Monday, June 14, 1976

San Francisco

Concert • By Wings • Part of the Wings Over the World tour

Last updated on September 9, 2016


  • Country: USA
  • City: San Francisco
  • Location: Cow Palace


  • Location: Cow Palace


Some songs from this concert appear on:

Below are a few photos from this concert, by Steven Barnes. In Steven’s own words:

They were taken at the June 14, 1976 at the Cow Palace, San Francisco by me.  I was stationed a few miles inland in the US Air Force and purchased a cheap 35mm camera that I used and abused for my entire enlistment.  The photos are mainly scanned from prints processed by Kodak immediately after the show or were digitized from Ektachrome slides recently.

I stood between Paul and Linda’s positions on stage when Paul was playing his Rickenbacker bass. His show was amazing, and we made eye contact several times.  He even posed for a shot and confirmed that I got it with a wink.  He was most gracious.  Yes, as we know, he is really that good.

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Photo by Steven Barnes

Cow Palace

This was the 5th concert played at Cow Palace.

A total of 5 concerts have been played there • 1964Aug 191965Aug 31 (2pm show)Aug 31 (Evening show)1976Jun 13Jun 14

Setlist for the concert

  1. Yesterday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “Wings Over the World tour”

Going further

Wings Live - On tour in the 70s

This is the first detailed study of Paul McCartney's Wings on tour in the 1970s. It covers every single concert from the University Tour of 1972, ending with the abandoned tour of Japan in January 1980. A wide variety of primary sources have been consulted, including all available audio and video recordings; press reviews; fan recollections; newspaper reports and tour programmes.

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Steve • 3 years ago

Hello there. I was a stage hand for this concert and I was so glad I didn’t have to wait in that monster line. Me and my fellow grip Ross went to see the show. We sat in the press section right behind Michael McDonald of the Doobie Bros- super cool dude with some really hot chicks. Said he was going to party with Paul after the concert. Great concert, would’ve liked to hear a few more Beatles’ tunes. However, hearing Lady Madonna live was the best. I helped set up his grand piano and saw his song list propped up there, pretty cool. Linda couldn’t have been nicer, not the least bit stuck up.

I grew up a huge Beatles fan as a kid and I was super excited to work this show. I hooked up with his sound man because I knew Paul would be doing a sound check the next day and I wanted to meet him. I could hardly sleep the night before (yes, I was a grown man). I read a Newsweek article about how their children were traveling with the band so that I could have a brief intelligent conversation with Paul.

So there I was, working with the sound man by the sound board as the limo rolled in. Paul and Linda popped out of the limo and he proceeded to make a beeline straight to us, just as I predicted! So, I hopped up and headed straight for Paul and was ready to have my brief intelligent conversation with him. As we encountered each other, he said « Hello mate » and I said « uhhhh, ummm errr… Hi Mr McCartney. ». I kept on walking and quite proud that I could even talk. I think a tear came to my eye. To say I loved the Beatles as a kid is an understatement!

I have a few more stories about that night, maybe later if anyone is interested.

Thank you for reading this post- Steve

The PaulMcCartney Project • 3 years ago

Wow Steve, what memories! So great to hear! I'm also a big fan of Michael McDonald and his unique voice! Keen to hear more from you about this night! Thanks again to share those memories!

Rich P • 2 years ago

I was at this concert. Soily was not played at this show. The crowd booed Bill Graham when he was introduced, the band never came back out.

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