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Tuesday, October 23, 1984

The Tonight Show

Concert • By Paul McCartney

Last updated on June 21, 2024

From Paul McCartney Photos – Paul McCartney Beatles Life in Pictures (esquire.com) – The musician shares a laugh with host Johnny Carson during an interview on October 23, 1984.
From Paul McCartney Photos – Paul McCartney Beatles Life in Pictures (esquire.com) – Peace and love! McCartney flashes a peace sign to the cameras at the Beverly Hills Hotel on October 24, 1984.

The day I touched Paul McCartney and his car drove over my foot…….

I was filming a tv show called “Punky Brewster” in 1984. On October 23, 1984, Paul McCartney was scheduled to appear on “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson. My pal, George Gaines, who worked on the show with me, got me tickets to see Paul. I was in the audience that night, in Heaven, as I saw Paul appear and bring out a birthday cake for Johnny, who was celebrating his 59th birthday that night. Paul was, as always, charming, funny, delightful and warm. After the show ended, a bunch of us from the audience ran outside to try to catch a glimpse of Paul leaving the studio. Paul drove out in a small sports car. He saw us and rolled down the window to say hi to us. His wife Linda was in the passenger seat. I ran over to Paul and touched him on the shoulder.

I touched a Beatle!!

As Paul drove off, very slowly, I felt the weight of what seemed like a dinosaur smash down on my foot. It just squashed my foot, but it only hurt a little. I realized Paul McCartney had driven his car over my foot. This was one of the happiest, proudest days of my life.

Eddie Deezen – From Facebook, June 18, 2024

Setlist for the concert

  1. Yesterday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  2. You Are My Sunshine

Paul McCartney writing

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