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Sunday, July 29, 1990


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the The Paul McCartney World Tour

Last updated on November 11, 2022


  • Country: USA
  • City: Chicago
  • Location: Soldier Field


  • Location: Soldier Field


Band members

Line-up Discover Backing band 1989-1990

Some songs from this concert appear on:

From Club Sandwich 55/56, Winter 1990/91:

Soldier Field, Chicago; Sunday, July 29th.

8.30 pm and Clive Dunn shouted “Showtime” for the last time.

Reluctantly this time, the band shuffled from their dressing room; almost unwilling to play, not wanting to start the show because this was The Last Time and you wanted to delay it forever.

The normal backstage banter of the crew was hushed. Friends avoided each other. No-one looked you in the eye. What could you say?

Outside, the crowd was going berserk; 50,000 of ’em waving lighters, matches, torches to welcome Macca’s last stand on stage with the greatest show of light we’d seen all year.

Fireworks blew up the skyline during Pepper and Live and Let Die and between songs you could hear one or another of us pine “Oh God, I don’t want this to end…”

As the crowd’s roars loudened, tour staff who at other gigs would be busy backstage drifted to the front; almost disbelieving it was really over. And when Paul launched into The Long and Winding Road, a tour anthem for many who’d been there since Oslo a lifetime ago, guys’ heads bent as they didn’t want Paul to see the tears.

But… mark the last words of Soldier Field “Thank you… we ‘II see you all again next time”.

Geoff Baker, Paul McCartney’s publicist

From Chris Whitten (@chriswhittenmusic) • Instagram photos and videos – My final photograph of the 1989/90 Paul McCartney world tour. After the show at Chicago’s Soldier Field, Paul and Linda hosted a party to thank everyone who had been involved in the tour. Typically during the tour we drove away from the venue and often flew out of the area immediately after a show. So this was the only time we were at a show after the show had finished. I already knew I probably wasn’t continuing with Paul and as such might never play a large stadium show again. So I took this shot of the aftermath of a huge event I had taken part in. My plan was to go back to freelance studio work, which was my favourite aspect of professional drumming.

Soldier Field

This was the 1st and only concert played at Soldier Field.

Setlist for the concert

  1. Birthday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  2. Medley

  3. Medley

    1. Help!

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

      Album Available on Tripping The Live Fantastic II

  4. The Hustle Snippet

    Written by Van McCoy

  5. Encore

    1. Yesterday

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    2. Get Back

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    3. The End

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

      Album Available on Tripping The Live Fantastic II

See song statistics for “The Paul McCartney World Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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Steve Campbell • 7 years ago

Was brought to tears at this show. First of 5 times now,but this was the best,rained all day,cleared right before start of show. Strawberry Fields made the hair on my neck stand up! Thanks.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 7 years ago

Thanks Steve for sharing your memories ! I wish I was old enough to join the 89/90 world tour ! So good setlist & band !

Nanine • 3 years ago

I snuck in by telling the gate keepers in the tunnel that I didn’t have a ticket with the college freshman who took me up on the offer of going into the stadium, we had been listening outside. I was 28, I told the truth and was rewarded with the best concert of my life. We walked into the stadium everyone was standing on their seats. There was no breeze that night,-“a thick cloud of the sweetest smell hung above our heads, I lead this young man I just met down the main isle, we got to the 30th row from stage approx. and two seats were open we climbed on to them the guy next to me handed me a joint. The rest is complete history for me and I pray that young man got to see the last concert telling people about the woman who showed him the ropes. Lol

The PaulMcCartney Project • 3 years ago

whaou amazing story, Nanine. Thanks for sharing it with us !

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