Wednesday, June 5, 1991
Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the Unplugged 1991 Summer Tour
Last updated on June 21, 2019
Location: Teatro Palapartenope
Previous concert May 10, 1991 • United Kingdom • Harlesden
Live album May 20, 1991 • "Unplugged (The Official Bootleg)" by Paul McCartney released in the UK
Live album Jun 04, 1991 • "Unplugged (The Official Bootleg)" by Paul McCartney released in the US
Concert Jun 05, 1991 • Italy • Naples
Concert Jun 07, 1991 • United Kingdom • St Austell
Article Jun 28, 1991 • Paul visiting his old school in Liverpool
First live rendition
The band flew to Milan in the morning of the show, and flew back after the concert.
Ho scelto Napoli perché da sempre sono incuriosito dal suo modo di vivere e di essere. Da Enrico Caruso in poi tutta l’arte e il modo di proporsi di questa città mi ha incuriosito e spesso entusiasmato.
I chose Naples because I have always been intrigued by the way of living and being. By Enrico Caruso onwards, all the art and how to approach this city intrigued me and often thrilled me.
Paul McCartney, from Paul McCartney a Napoli, 5 giugno 1991 book
Quello di Napoli si rivelò proprio un gran bel concerto. Davvero un grandissimo show, Napoli era rock! Il pubblico italiano in genere è il migliore per Paul. Spettatori calorosi e tanto divertimento e tanta energia positiva.
Naples turned out to be a really great concert. Really an amazing show, Naples was rock! The Italian public in general is the best for Paul. Warm spectators and lots of fun and lots of positive energy.
Geoff Baker, Paul’s publicist, from Paul McCartney a Napoli, 5 giugno 1991 book
In più di trent’anni, il Teatro Tenda Palapartenope, prima in Viale Augusto e poi in via Barbagallo, ha accolto sul suo palco i più grandi musicisti nazionali e internazionali. Ricordo serate memorabili con Liza Minnelli, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Sting, James Taylor, America, Dizzy Gillespie, Paco De Lucia, Fabrizio De Andrè, Pino Daniele… ma quel concerto di Paul McCartney fu unico ed è impresso oggi come ieri nella mia memoria. McCartney, da buon vegetariano, ci aveva dato rigide disposizioni: non potevamo vendere assolutamente all’interno della buvette carne o prodotti contenenti ingredienti a base di carne. Dovemmo così far preparare panini e focacce vegetali.
In more than 30 years, the Teatro Tenda Palapartenope, first in Viale Augusto and then in via Barbagallo, welcomed on its stage the greatest national and international musicians. I remember memorable evenings with Liza Minnelli, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Sting, James Taylor, America, Dizzy Gillespie, Paco De Lucia, Fabrizio De Andrè, Pino Daniele … but that Paul McCartney concert was unique and is imprinted in my mind today as yesterday. McCartney, as a good vegetarian, had given us strict rules: we couldn’t sell absolutely within the buvette meat or products containing meat ingredients. We had to prepare sandwiches and vegetable buns.
Rino Manna, Founder of Palapartenope, from Paul McCartney a Napoli, 5 giugno 1991 book
Lavoro con Paul McCartney dal 1989. Fu lui a chiedermi di suonare a Napoli, in quel suo breve tour a sorpresa del 1991. Io, da napoletano, fui naturalmente felicissimo della proposta e presi l’occasione al volo per organizzare tutto nel più breve tempo possibile. Nell’area a loro riservata al Teatro Tenda si rilassarono giocando al calcio-balilla. Linda e Paul facevano coppia insieme – lei in difesa, lui in attacco – e ricordo distintamente come i due si guardavano innamorati: c’era tra loro un amore, una magia e una complicità che invidiai. Paul ha amato tanto Linda e lo posso dire con cognizione di causa.
I have been working with Paul McCartney since 1989. It was he who asked me to play in Naples, on his short surprise tour of 1991. As a Neapolitan, I was naturally very happy with the proposal and took the chance to organize everything in the shortest time possible. In the area reserved for them at the Tenda Theater, they relaxed by playing table football. Linda and Paul were paired together – she in defense, he in attack – and I distinctly remember how the two looked at each other in love: there was between them a love, a magic and a complicity that I envied. Paul loved Linda so much and I can say it with full knowledge.
Mimmo D’Alessandro (D’Alessandro & Galli, promoters), from Paul McCartney a Napoli, 5 giugno 1991 book
This was the 1st and only concert played at Teatro Palapartenope.
Acoustic set
Written by Claude Demetrius
Written by Gene Vincent, Donald Graves, Bill Davis
Written by Jesse Fuller
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Melvin Endsley
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Bill Withers
Written by Tommy Tucker
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Roy Brown
Electric set
Written by Paul McCartney, Linda Eastman / McCartney
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Paul McCartney
Written by Fats Domino, Dave Bartholomew
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