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Tuesday, October 26, 1993


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the The New World Tour

Last updated on October 21, 2023


  • Country: Spain
  • City: Barcelona
  • Location: Palau Sant Jordi


Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
  • Location: Palau Sant Jordi


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“Madrid 3/5/2015. On the morning of October 26, 1993, I left from my Madrid City (Spain) trip to Barcelona, with the purpose of meeting Paul McCartney upon arrival at the airport of Shower City, where at night and the next day 27, Paul offered two concerts inside it’s… ”The New World Tour”. On his previous visit to our country, in 1989 [Madrid, 2nd or 3rd November], I got to the signed me one of my bass Hofner. So went to Barcelona with other two basses, a 501 and a club in the trunk of the car. This time I had a friend as a member of the “Guardia Civil”, as a fan of Paul and that eventually I facilitated my purpose. We arrived in Barcelona very soon, and we headed straight to the airport. Not had no idea at that time would come Paul and his band, in the terminal after speaking with members of the Guardia Civil responsible for customs and private flights. As a favor, we get pass to international ground… now because it was only a matter of waiting!! Memory view from my privileged position, as it is riding the safety device, as well as the arrival of many fans it was without a doubt, indicative of the arrival of Paul!! And when expected arrived, but not before that any discussion by the private Paul security team to ask that to me there with two basses. Paul made his appearance of the arm of Linda, and after a warning to one of his bodyguards was headed directly towards me at the same time that said in perfect Spanish: – “Solo dos amigo?” – (Only two, my friend?) And then stamping his signature first in the “Club” and then the “501”. I got have three Hofner signed by Paul and more important, to be near and greet. Last time, and for reasons economic, I desire of them, but that is another day… Madrid 3/Mayo/2015 [Signed] Jose Luis Precioso.”

Jose Luis Precioso

This bass was put on sale in April 2023.

Palau Sant Jordi

This was the 1st concert played at Palau Sant Jordi.

A total of 4 concerts have been played there • 1993Oct 26Oct 272003Mar 28Mar 29

Setlist for the soundcheck

Setlist for the concert

  1. Michelle

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  2. Yesterday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  3. Let It Be

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  4. Encore

    1. Hey Jude

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “The New World Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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