Monday, April 21, 2003
Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the Back in the World tour
Last updated on May 16, 2019
Location: Earls Court
Concert Apr 18, 2003 • United Kingdom • London
Concert Apr 19, 2003 • United Kingdom • London
Concert Apr 21, 2003 • United Kingdom • London
Album Apr 21, 2003 • "Hope (War Child album)" by Various Artists released in the UK
From The Macca Report:
Paul arrived around 5pm in the silver Mercedes, rolled down the window and took items from waiting fans to sign. Sometime later a roadie came out with the autographed items and distributed them to the fans.
There were VIP tickets that fans could purchase for tonight’s show (and the last night at Earls Court) that included, hotel, seats in the first five rows, and the soundcheck. The package cost a minimum of $1,700 per person. Songs heard at the soundcheck: “Coming Up,” “Matchbox,” “Blue Suede Shoes,” “Honey Don’t,” “Waiting for Your Train To Get In.”
Paul wore the red Nehru jacket, a long-sleeved red T-shirt and blue jeans. The audience was very enthusiastic but as a whole they preferred to sit during the concert. Fans who stood got hassled by the fans behind them who wanted them to sit down.Fans from Mexico (Carlos A. Garcia and Mitzi Solano) were in the audience waving the Mexican flag and flicking their lighters on and off during “Every Night” prompting Paul to explain what they were doing. He mentioned after the song how the Mexican fans would turn their lighters on and off non-stop during that song at the Mexico City show. And that he would stop playing the song and the audience would continue in rhythm turning the lighters on an off and he would start to play again. Paul said, “Tonight there are two Mexican guys there (points to them) and, well, sorry guys because tonight you are only two, and I couldn’t stop, but anyway thanks!”
Paul called his psychedelic piano a “box” again and more people yelled out “It’s a PIANO!” That seemed to amuse Paul. He also was getting a kick out of the screams for his “black polo neck sweater” during the intro to “Michelle.” Some female fans hooted when he mentioned the sweater and he mock scolded them saying, “Now stop it now!”
At the end of the show, Paul said the crowd were a lucky lot, because he thought his voice might not have held out. He joked and said, “We nearly had Dawn French (comedian) as a reserve vocalist but she couldn’t make it.”
Text message: “That guitar is OK Paul, but you won’t make a living out of it!” “QUESTION How many Beatles does it take to change a lightbulb? ANSWER: None, Mal Evans would have done it!”
This was the 6th concert played at Earls Court.
A total of 8 concerts have been played there • 1993 • Sep 11 • Sep 14 • Sep 15 • 2003 • Apr 18 • Apr 19 • Apr 21• Apr 22 • 2008 • Feb 20
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