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Sunday, April 27, 2003


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the Back in the World tour

Last updated on May 16, 2019


  • Country: Germany
  • City: Cologne
  • Location: Köln Arena


  • Location: Köln Arena


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From The Macca Report:

Paul arrived at the airport around 4:55pm and went straight to the venue with an entourage of several cars. He was in the second car (Mercedes). There were about 20 fans waiting who moved toward the car as it drove in. Paul rolled down the window with a big grin and waved. He was on a cell phone doing an interview. The car did not stop.

The show started at 8:15pm. Paul hit the stage at 8:33 wearing the sky blue Nehru jacket, a red long-sleeved T-shirt and blue jeans. Fans immediately rushed the stage but security blocked the aisles with access to the stage. The 14,000 strong (sold out) Cologne audience rocked.

For his introduction to “Getting Better” he said, “Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich dieses Lied in Deutschland gesungen habe.” (This is the first time that I’m singing this song in Germany)

“Guten Abend Cologne.” (Good evening Cologne) “We’ve come here tonight, to rrrrock you!” said Paul.

A fan in the front row who had obviously been to his concert before was saying what Paul was supposed to say before he said it. He said, “You’re stealing all my lines! I was supposed to say, are you having a good time and YOU, ‘yes.’ Not the other way around!” A fan yelled out “Paul I love you!” Paul said pretending to whisper, “Yeah I love you too.” 

Paul said, “Wie geht es Euch?”Gut? Wie gut?” (How are you? Good? How good?) The crowd responded with “JA!” (YES)

Introducing “Lonely Road,” he said, “Das ist ein neues Lied. (this is a new song.) Well not that new… newish, newish…ish,” 

He said, “I learned a little German in school in Liverpool.” He said his favorite piece of German literature was a poem called, “Jacob war der frechste rabe von allen.” (Jacob was the rudest crow of all).

Paul spoke in German quite a bit. He dedicated “Your Loving Flame to “Meine liebe Frau Heather.” (my dear wife Heather). When he ended the song he said, “It’s for you, Heather.” (Heather was in England)

For “Here Today” he dedicated it to his “freund John.” (friend John)

Rusty used his pocket translator which said, “Die Band moechte sich sehr fur den freundlichen Empfang bedanken. Bitte kleben Sie Ihre Kaugummis nicht unter die Sitze.” (The band wants to thank you very much for the warm welcome. Please don´t put your chewing gums under your seats).

The strongman brought out the psychedelic piano and Paul said, “Er nimmt Anabolika!” (He’s taken steriods!) There were no massage stories and Paul sang, “This is the bit where I don’t know the words…” to “You Never Give Me Your Money.” 

When the psychedelic piano was brought onstage he said, “Oh a colorful box – what’s this?” Someone yelled out something and Paul grinned and said, “Normally when I say that in the show, someone from the front row says, ‘It’s a piano!'”

Abe was seen breaking a lot of drumsticks from drumming during the show.

After “Calico Skies” Paul said, “if you liked that song, it’s on the charity album ‘Peace’ to help the children of Iraq.”

For the first encore Paul came out waving the German flag and wearing his usual “no more land mines” red T-shirt.

He signed some CD booklets before he left the stage.

Text message: “Can you play at my birthday party Macca?” “Paul ist geldgeil” (Paul is money happy)

Köln Arena

This was the 1st concert played at Köln Arena.

A total of 4 concerts have been played there • 2003Apr 27Apr 282009Dec 16Dec 17

Too bad, there is no song listed for this concert. If you've been there, help us fill the set list for this concert by writing a comment!
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