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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the European leg of the Up And Coming Tour

Last updated on November 23, 2020


  • Country: Ireland
  • City: Dublin
  • Location: RDS Arena


  • Location: RDS Arena


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Some songs from this concert appear on:

From Beatle Bore, January 24, 2017:

[…] The gate opened at about 6pm, and I ran as fast as I could through the grounds of the RDS. Someone shouted at me to stop running, but I didn’t care. I managed to get a spot right at the barrier, which was the best possible outcome. The layout was really weird. There was the standing area, the barrier, and then about 10-15 rows of seats in front of the stage, which seemed to be mostly occupied by minor celebrities and TV personalities. It was really frustrating, and for the first half of the concert those people just stayed in their seats. But I wasn’t going to let it ruin my enjoyment of seeing Paul again.

This time there was a support act: Irish band The Coronas. I don’t remember much about their set because I’m not a fan of theirs, and I was too busy waiting for Paul to pay much attention. Finally he came on at 8.30pm, and I was immediately transported back to the emotions I felt at the O2 in December. He opened with ‘Venus and Mars/Rock Show’, which was amazing. In fact, there were quite a few new additions to the setlist: ‘All My Loving’, ‘Letting Go’, ‘Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five’, ‘Two of Us’, ‘Let ‘Em In’ and ‘I’m Looking Through You’, to name but a few. Combined with the regular favourites, it was a fantastic set.

Paul was really funny once again, and there was a lot of crowd interaction. He learned a few new Irish phrases and read out people’s signs, some of which were hilarious. One of them was a marriage proposal, but unfortunately he was spoken for! One of the highlights was when everyone started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. He seemed really pleased and said, “Thanks, but it’s not til next Friday!”

Overall, Paul’s voice was top notch and the band were in great form. I was every bit as emotional as the first time I saw him, which just goes to show that any opportunity to see Paul McCartney is a truly magical experience not to be missed. But then I wasn’t surprised by that, considering my intense adoration for the man and his music! I have to admit, though, that I prefer indoor gigs. Outside, the sound tends to get lost in the wind, or at least that’s my impression of it. But quite honestly, I would see Paul anywhere, anytime.

My voice was completely hoarse afterwards and my legs were like jelly, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I felt like the happiest person alive. I’m hoping for a third opportunity to see him in the not too distant future… fingers crossed!

RDS Arena

This was the 2nd concert played at RDS Arena.

A total of 2 concerts have been played there • 2003May 272010Jun 12

Setlist for the soundcheck

  1. Jam

  2. Jam

  3. Two of us

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  4. Ram On

    Written by Paul McCartney

    Album Available on Complete Hard Rock Calling

  5. Yesterday

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

Setlist for the concert

  1. Medley

  2. Medley

  3. Two Of Us

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  4. Blackbird

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  5. Medley

  6. Let It Be

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  7. Hey Jude

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  8. Encore

    1. Get Back

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

  9. Second encore

    1. Yesterday

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    2. The End

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “Up And Coming Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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