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Thursday, December 7, 2023

São Paulo

Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the Brazilian leg of the Got Back Tour

Last updated on March 2, 2024


  • Country: Brazil
  • City: São Paulo
  • Location: Allianz Parque
  • Attendance: 149,226 / 149,226 (for the 3 dates in São Paulo)
  • Revenue: $16,233,151 (for the 3 dates in São Paulo)


  • Location: Allianz Parque


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NEW SHOW ALERT – Paul’s show in São Paulo on the 9th December is sold out! Due to overwhelming demand a second date has been added to the GOT BACK tour on the 7th December.

From Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) / X (twitter.com), August 10, 2023

From Paul McCartney, February 13, 2024:

“Paul McCartney brings the perfect show to Sao Paulo” – O Estado de Sao Paulo, December 2023

Our long weekend in the vast and incredible city of Sāo Paulo was quite a bittersweet one for Paul. On the one hand, we were in this unbelievable place – a bustling metropolis filled with the most amazing people and passionate fans – with three nights of performing to a total of around 165,000 people at the Allianz Parque to look forward to, but on the other hand, there was some sad news and memories that had to be addressed.

We were on our way to Sāo Paulo when Paul heard that Denny Laine, the co-founder of Wings and Paul’s friend, had died. They made such brilliant music together, their songs classic and timeless, and Paul was devastated to learn of his passing. “Denny was a great talent with a fine sense of humour and was always ready to help other people,” Paul wrote in a tribute statement. “It was a pleasure to know you. We are all going to miss you.” 

Paul dedicated a storming version of Jet to Denny, who of course had played and sang on the 1973 original.

“Seeing McCartney on stage is understanding how music crosses generations and age and aesthetic barriers.” – Flora de Sao Paulo, December 2023

Another old friend was on Paul’s mind that weekend. December 8th marked 43 years since John Lennon’s tragic death, and as the anniversary rolled around again, it was inevitable that thoughts of John would prove even more emotional to Paul.

John’s presence is regularly felt in Paul’s shows now – especially with the addition of ‘I’ve Got A Feeling’ into the set, on which Paul effectively duets with John, thanks to Peter Jackson’s audio technology which extracted John’s voice from the Get Back documentary footage. And Paul has of course been speaking about John a lot lately, too, with all the ‘Now And Then’activity. But it was the song ‘Here Today’ that in particular really moved everyone at the Sāo Paulo shows.

Paul often wells up when talking about John in the song’s introduction on stage, but remembering his friend on this timely occasion and in this overwhelming location was profoundly affecting for everyone.

“If 2023 was the year of international shows in Brazil, there is no one better to close this season than Paul McCartney.” – Omelete, December 2023

Allianz Parque

This was the 6th concert played at Allianz Parque.

A total of 10 concerts have been played there • 2014Nov 25Nov 262017Oct 152019Mar 26Mar 272023Dec 7Dec 9Dec 102024Oct 15Oct 16

Setlist for the concert

  1. Medley

  2. Blackbird

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  3. New

    Written by Paul McCartney

  4. Get Back

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  5. Let It Be

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  6. Hey Jude

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  7. Encore

    1. Birthday

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    2. The End

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “Got Back Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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