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Friday, October 11, 2024


Concert • By Paul McCartney • Part of the South America leg of the Got Back Tour

Last updated on March 1, 2025


  • Country: Chile
  • City: Santiago
  • Location: Estadio Monumental


  • Location: Estadio Monumental


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Following two performances in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 5 and October 6, Paul traveled to Santiago, Chile, on October 8, ahead of his scheduled concert on the 11th. This concert marked the fourth performance of his 2024 “Got Back” tour and the sixth time Paul had performed in Chile.

From La Tercera, October 12, 2024 (auto-translated from Spanish):

[…] Macul’s cold night’s close-kick provided the framework for welcoming Sir Paul McCartney, at one of the most anticipated concerts of the season. By the end of September he had already passed through Iquique for a technical scale, before flying to Montevideo, but at last, the time came for the reunion with the Chilean fanatic.

On his fifth visit to the country, after the shows in 1993, 2011, 2014 and 2019, the former Beatle appeared for the first time at the Monumental Stadium. He had previously played at the National Stadium and at the Movistar Arena. Preparations for the show began on Sunday, October 6 and spread during the week. A time that also served as a rest to the 82-year-old musician, who came from two nights in a row at the Monumental de River in Buenos Aires. […]

The musician left from the east-sector hotel where he was staying, heading to the Monumental Stadium after 3:30 p.m. Shortly afterwards, it was already possible to note the high public call that filled the towns of the Coliseum.

The wait was enlivened with the solid presentation of the Chileans of Dunver, who performed a set in which they showed the best of their material. Then they were followed by a DJ and an introductory video reviewing the life trajectory of “Macca” (with abundant images of The Beatles). Among the audience was also the President, Gabriel Boric, who accompanied by his partner, was located in the Rapa Nui sector. It was received with mixed expressions, between applause and some pifias. There he met a famous beatlemaniac, the Chilean musician Álvaro Henríquez, with whom he melted into a hug and took a photograph for posterity.

With almost 15 minutes of delay, the expected time arrived. Finally, a Beatle was back in Chile. A closed ovation received Sir Paul McCartney, who unlike his recent shows in Montevideo and Buenos Aires, started the presentation with Can’t buy me love, a Beatlemania-era classic, unleashing the algarabía of the respectable. He immediately lashed out at Juniors Farm, a classic Wings. After that, he greeted in Spanish the respectable: Hello, kids and little girls. Then he followed the show with Letting Go, another Wings-era theme, which he had even bronze section playing from the Indian rostrum. A lively Paul chapured some phrases in Spanish. “That’s a good wave,” he said. […]

After his concert in the country, Paul McCartney will leave Chile this Saturday to follow his next destination, Brazil, where he has on schedule presentations in Sao Paulo and Florioanópolis. Then he will return to Argentina for a presentation in Córdoba, followed by shows in Lima, Bogotá and San José de Costa Rica, to close the Latin stage with four concerts in Mexico. Legend doesn’t seem to want to stop. In almost three hours he dispatched a memorable show that will surely be among the best of the year.

From La Tercera, October 12, 2024

From For Whom The Bell Tells: ‘GOT BACK’ Central and South American Tour 2024, January 13, 2025:

“They say that if you are a music lover, seeing Paul McCartney is something you have to do at least once in your life, and it was enough to see the emotion in the eyes of the attendees, and their smiles on their faces as they walked towards the outskirts of the Macul venue, to confirm it.” – La Cuarta

One of the really fun things about this and a few recent tours is that Paul has been regularly running competitions for fans in each city to win the chance to say hello to him. To win this opportunity, they’re tasked with all sorts of things, like creating videos demonstrating why they should be the chosen ones. We work with local media partners to pick 10 winners, who get to watch Paul soundcheck, then meet him afterwards.

It’s just as exciting for me, meeting these genuine fans – some of whom have travelled halfway around the world for this – who never thought they’d get this kind of chance, and seeing the spectrum of emotions they whizz through in their time together: there’s shock, awe, disbelief, joy, thankfulness, tears, all sometimes at once. Paul takes the time to chat with the winners, and it’s a really moving thing to be a part of, full of tears, cuddles and laughter. We all hang out and swap stories and it’s brilliant – after all, I’m a huge Macca fan too!

And, as much as the fans love meeting Paul, he gets a kick out of meeting them too, as he told me. “It’s amazing to be one-on-one with such passionate people,” he revealed, “because when your fans are in the audience, you feel the passion, but when they’re right there and you’re meeting with them and taking a photo with them, it’s very full on. It’s quite intense, but it’s great. It’s always fun, and it’s always nice to see people who are so keen on The Beatles, Wings and me solo. It’s always exciting.”

I have to give a special shout out to the group of winners in Chile, who were complete strangers to each other before they were randomly brought together to share this once-in-a-lifetime privilege, yet somehow managed to mobilise themselves to sing Paul a special song as an ensemble upon greeting him. They were fantastic!  Actually… special shout all to all of the winners on this trip.  In Buenos Aires, one winner, Alan Navarro, kindly got in touch to tell me that the group he was in, who didn’t know each other previously, started a WhatsApp group and started meeting up – such was the bond of their shared experience. Paul’s socials team put together an awesome little montage of Paul meeting the fans.

The Chilean soundcheck held another surprise for us all, as Paul noticed two distinctive characters in the audience who had a special message for him. The fans, Yamil Álamo and Leonora Pereira, were easily spotted, given that they were dressed up as a 1970s version of Paul and Linda McCartney, as was the large sign they were holding, which read: “Paul: Give us a handshake and we’ll get married.”

Ever the romantic at heart, Paul obliged and invited the pair onstage, whereupon Yamil got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend of six years in front of their greatest musical hero. “I don’t have words to describe the experience,” said Yamil, who’d travelled 400km from La Serena to the gig in Santiago, as we spoke afterwards. “This was a very special moment for us because for many years we have tried to meet him, and today is the day!”

I later asked Paul if he enjoyed officiating such proposals, since this would be one of three on this leg alone! “It’s always pretty cute to see a sign, ‘Will you marry us please?’” he told me. “I think, well, I’m not a vicar, so I can’t marry them, but I’ll invite them to propose on stage. I think that’s something nice for us as a band, and for the audience: attending a mass engagement ceremony. And for the couple, mainly. We do kind of wonder,” he laughed, “what if she said no? So far, they’ve all said yes. We have a little group hug, and we wish them happy ever after.”

Paul’s sentimental streak was also there to see in Chile two days prior, when he arranged a surprise wedding anniversary party for Nancy. It was really lovely and a lot of fun for myself and the team to be involved in that extremely personal celebration. There was a lot of love in the room!

Anyway, after the soundcheck, as we were walking back together to his dressing room, I let Paul know that I had just been informed by BBC Radio 2 in the UK that their listeners had voted The Beatles as the Best British Band of All Time. Now, you might think that with hundreds of various awards and achievements to his name, that such news may be just another notch on his admittedly gilded belt, but no. He was absolutely thrilled, honoured, and noticeably humbled. He really doesn’t take such accolades for granted.

At the same time, I also had the pleasure of bestowing Paul with yet another gift: this time a
shirt signed by the entire Brazilian national football team! Yes, I know that we were in Chile, but it had just so happened that they had played in Santiago the night before the show and were stationed in the same hotel as Paul. They had left it as a present to him – can you imagine? That is just way too much talent to think about in one place!

You can never predict what’s going to happen when you’re on the road with Paul, because every stop, every city, every show is different, and each has their own unbelievable stories. Tonight in Chile was no exception – for a start Paul was performing in the company of the country’s President, Gabriel Boric! Not that it fazed him, of course. But it gave the gig its own unique atmosphere – the crowd were wild from the beginning. Then, when Paul played The Beatles’s recent Number One single, ‘Now And Then’, hundreds of white balloons were held aloft by members of the crowd, which they then illuminated with their phones. It was an ingenious light show, and the most remarkable spectacle. 

Stuart Bell – Paul McCartney’s publicist – From For Whom The Bell Tells: ‘GOT BACK’ Central and South American Tour 2024, January 13, 2025

Just GOT BACK from the concert in Santiago and it was absolutely packed from the front to the back of the stadium. I could barely move most of the time.

The show itself was great, prices for the official merchandise were lower than in Argentina and much lower than in Uruguay. Opening song was Can’t Buy Me Love and once again he sang Drive My Car, so She’s A Woman was performed in Uruguay only so far. Birthday was part of the encore.

The crowd was really into it, showing white balloons during Now And Then. He improvised a couple of quick “ole ole ole ole” jams (after mentioning “I have no idea what you’re singing”) and before playing Here Today he said “I’ll say this quickly before you start chanting again”.

Subway usually closes at 11 PM but fortunately it was extended to 1:30 AM specially for Paul’s concert.

A couple of crosswalks that looked just like the ones at Abbey Road in London were installed in one of the streets around the stadium, complete with those round yellow lamps on the top.

User “5th-beatles” – From Steve Hoffman Music Forums, October 12, 2024 (auto-translated from Spanish)

I met Paul and hugged him.

As the year is ending, I wanted to share with you that I had the blessing of winning a contest for a meet & greet with Paul McCartney, along with 9 other fans, before his concert at the Estadio Monumental in Santiago, Chile.

To participate, we had to submit a 20-second video explaining why we wanted to meet Paul. I’m grateful that each of the winners had beautiful stories to tell. None of us showed off our collections; we all shared personal stories, some of them family traditions, stories about tribute bands, fan art, following his tours around the world, and so on. The production team told us that the winners were chosen by Paul’s team — I’d love to say we were picked by the man himself, but we don’t know for sure — and we were informed two days before the concert on October 11th.

When we arrived at the stadium, they asked for our smartphones, emphasizing the importance of living in the moment (and boy, was it worth it). As we walked through the venue, I started seeing the vans with the MPL sign, the same ones that had been outside the hotels when I went to see Paul leaving from the doors, bringing back a Beatlemania that never quite happened in Latin America, but the excitement was the same. We were introduced to Stuart — Paul’s publicist — and he was the one who guided us through the whole experience. I have to say, thanks to him, we were almost mentally prepared to meet the most important human being in history. I prefer to keep some of the details to myself, because this was very personal for the 10 of us.

We entered the soundcheck area, a section reserved only for the winners. Of course, there was the typical person trying to cut in, shouting that they’d paid a million pesos! It was a pretty unpleasant moment. Anyway, MJ Kim and Charlie Lightening showed up, and I just had to congratulate them for their amazing work, along with Stu and his wonderful blog! Then the band came on stage, followed by Paul. I think they played “Honey Don’t,” another rock and roll song, and then “Coming Up” and “Temporary Secretary” together! I never, ever thought I’d see Paul perform two songs from McCartney II. When “Let ’em In” came on, we started heading toward Paul’s dressing room.

Honestly, it was a lovely experience. We were all really calm, talking about the soundcheck just like we would here in the forum. We guessed the songs we heard in the background, like “Midnight Special,” chatting with Stu about the tour, Latin American fans, and the repertoire of the most important human being in history.

After the soundcheck, we were taken into the dressing rooms. Paul had his own, and the band had theirs, but all were nearby. MJ and Stu helped us rehearse for the official photo, and we told jokes, laughed a lot. Then, Paul came in, and I gave him my most sincere handshake. At one point, one of the girls started crying, and Paul comforted her with a hug. Another girl asked for a hug, then another, and I thought, “this is my moment, no matter how awkward it might seem,” so I said, with dry humor, “aaaww I want a hug too.” Paul paused, looked at me, and said, “TOUCH ME,” opened his hands, and we all rushed to grab his fingers lol. That moment was filmed and appeared on Paul’s Instagram (after that, I hugged him anyway. A completely canonical moment in my life).

The truth is, in the group, no one asked fan-related questions — I was dying to ask him about All For Love — but instead, it was all about how great he looked, his clothes! boy his energy!! He showed us his boots, his socks. One girl said, “You’re the most important human being in history,” and Paul replied, “No, there are two more.” The whole conversation was like that, everyone cracking jokes, Paul just laughing! giving intelligent answers to each question, what a smart guy! During the official photo, Paul’s iPhone rang, and he apologized. I shouted, “IT’S RINGOOO,” and Paul looked at me, laughed again, and said, “sorry Ringo! not this time”, then turned off the mobile, we all laughed and we took the photo. Afterward, Paul said goodbye, told us to enjoy the show, and I bowed. Then one of the guys made the huge mistake of asking him if he could sign his arm. Bad idea, security came, took Paul away, and also escorted us out (if anyone on this forum gets to have the same experience, please follow the rules! Haha).

After that, the 10 of us hugged each other. We burst into tears, because not only did we meet the most important human being in history, but we also realized that he wasn’t the most important human being in history. He was just Paul, a beautiful human being.

User “astronauta” – From Steve Hoffman Music Forums, December 29, 2024

Hi, I’m in Santiago, Chile. I’ve just met with some Chilean fans. Such a pleasure, checking out!

Paul McCartney – From Paul McCartney on Instagram, October 11, 2024

From Daily Mail Online, October 12, 2024:

Sir Paul McCartney helped a Chilean couple get engaged on Friday evening before his sold-out show at the Monumental Stadium in Santiago, Chile. During soundcheck for his show, the Beatles star, 82, spotted Yamil Álamo and Leonora Pereira in the crowd dressed as 1970s versions of himself and his late wife Linda McCartney.

The couple also held up a sign which read ‘Paul: Give us a handshake and we’ll get married‘, and upon noticing them, he sweetly invited them both on stage. Once they were on stage, Yamil got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend of six years, Leonora.

Discussing the heartwarming moment that they will never forget, Yamil said: ‘This was a very special moment for us, because for many years we have tried to meet him and today is the day! I don’t have words to describe the experience.‘ 

The couple, who are from the city of La Serena, have previously travelled internationally to attend his concerts. They plan to tie the knot to the soundtrack of the McCartney classic Maybe I’m Amazed’. […]

From Daily Mail Online, October 12, 2024
From Paul McCartney | News | For Whom The Bell Tells: ‘GOT BACK’ Central and South American Tour 2024

From La Tercera, October 12, 2024
From Paul McCartney on Facebook, October 12, 2024
From Paul McCartney on Facebook, October 12, 2024

Estadio Monumental

This was the 1st and only concert played at Estadio Monumental.

Setlist for the soundcheck

  1. New

    Written by Paul McCartney

Setlist for the concert

  1. Medley

  2. Blackbird

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  3. New

    Written by Paul McCartney

  4. Get Back

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  5. Let It Be

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  6. Hey Jude

    Written by Lennon - McCartney

  7. Encore

    1. Birthday

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

    2. The End

      Written by Lennon - McCartney

See song statistics for “Got Back Tour”

Paul McCartney writing

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