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Filming date May 09, 2002

Maybe I’m Amazed ("Back In The US" version)

Promotional film • For Paul McCartney • Directed by Mark Haefeli


  • Filming date: May 09, 2002
  • Mastering date: Dec 03, 2002


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From Paul McCartney Music Videos 1970-2021 Part 2 – The Daily Beatle (webgrafikk.com):

Maybe I’m Amazed (2002) -Back in the US, Live version-
Directed by Mark Haefeli. Mastered: December 6, 2002.
Recorded in: Dallas, TX, May 9, 2002 (Band in white shirts / Paul in a red shirt, long sleeves rolled up)
With additional scenes filmed in:
Atlanta, GA, May 13, 2002 (Band in white shirts (Rusty in a white jacket) / Paul in a red Polo shirt, short sleeves)
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 18. (Band in black clothes / Paul in a red shirt, long sleeves rolled up)

A meticulous editing from three concerts during the ‘Driving USA’ tour, although the different clothes are easy to notice throughout the song (and the entire “Back in the US” DVD which is a constant edit of different concerts). The scenes from the second night in Florida are only the side and back shots of Paul at the piano. In one of these shots it is possible to see the guitarist Rusty Anderson wearing a black shirt, unlike the rest of the video where the entire band appears in white clothes; Interspersing scenes from Dallas and the second night in Atlanta, Paul can even be seen in one quick scene wearing a Polo shirt as opposed to the rest of the video where he appears in a normal shirt. It was sent as a “music video” on a promotional VHS although it is extracted from the official DVD without any difference. In 2003 the BBC used it to promote the European tour and CD release “Back in the World”, broadcast on Top of the Pops in an edited version towards the middle.

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