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Wednesday, September 13, 1967

Interview for BBC Spotlight South West

Interview for BBC Spotlight South West

TV interview • Interview of The Beatles

Last updated on May 23, 2023



  • Interview location: Berni Grand Hotel, Plymouth, UK


Master release

Other interviews of The Beatles

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On September 11, 1967, The Beatles embarked on their Magical Mystery Tour, boarding a festively adorned coach accompanied by family, friends, fan club staff, actors, and select travellers, totalling 43 individuals. They departed from London around noon. By evening, the group reached their first destination, the Royal Hotel at The Den in Teignmouth, Devon, where they spent the night.

On September 12, The Beatles ventured to Plymouth, pausing for lunch at the Berni Inn located within the Grand Hotel. To appease London press reporters trailing them since their departure, the group posed for photographs on Plymouth Hoe.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney also participated in an interview with BBC TV reporter Hugh Scully. The conversation aired on the local news program “Spotlight South West” at 5:55 pm the following day.

Paul: “We’re not going to turn out records or films just for the sake of it. We don’t want to have to talk unless we have something to say. We enjoy recording, but we want to go even further. I would like to come up with a completely new form of music, invent new sounds. But at the moment I’m thinking things out. There seems to be a pause in my life right now – a time for re-assessment.”

Paul McCartney writing

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