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Saturday, December 7, 1974

Interview for Disc And Music Echo

School, My Kids And Me

Press interview • Interview of Paul McCartney

Last updated on February 19, 2025



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It looks very sedate in the picture but you should have seen it in reality. The table was all neatly arranged with stacks of cards until Julie, who was the seal, decided to re-arrange things. What’s more, we had to keep her and her boyfriend, who was there too, apart.

We got them from some people who just happened to have seals for hire. They came along with this enormous van full of water and loads of fish. Throwing fish to them was the only way we could get the animals to do what we wanted, they weren’t really trained at all – and they had to be kept wet all the time.

No seals next time: I think we’ll put a bull in the next song or something easy like that!

From John Lyons (@johnflyons.beatles) • Instagram photos and videos
From John Lyons (@johnflyons.beatles) • Instagram photos and videos
From John Lyons (@johnflyons.beatles) • Instagram photos and videos
Paul McCartney writing

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