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Saturday, February 18, 1967

Interview for Disc And Music Echo

BEATLES win 2 awards - and talk of problems...

Press interview • Interview of The Beatles

Last updated on August 21, 2024



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I’M STILL getting over the surprise that Dave Clark hasn’t knocked us off the top yet!” said Paul McCartney, his tongue firmly in his cheek. “But it’s good to have won.”

Awards for the Beatles, however — they have captured a couple from Disc and Music Echo readers as Best Group (Britain and World) and Best L.P (“Revolver”) — seem to come naturally.

Despite the fact that they did not tour Britain last year, they command a reverence in pop music that will always be there as long as they stay together as a group.

Paul spoke of the problems of touring:

“I disagree with those people who say we are doing the wrong thing by not touring. It’s difficult for people who don’t realise how difficult it is for us to tour. Nowadays, live TV is nearly the same as a concert, anyway — and the biggest problem for us now is that it’s difficult for us to get in control of what WE are going to do.

“WE tend to get controlled?

“It doesn’t mean we will never perform live again. At the moment we haven’t an act to suit the ordinary type of tour that goes on. If we can think of a way of getting four flying saucers landing on the top of the Albert Hall it would be possible. But at the moment there isn’t much happening in that direction!”

Ringo spoke of the other problem facing the Beatles; the lack of freedom of movement.

“We find things restricting as far as moving about’s concerned. I mean, if we want to freak out, the whole world knows, the papers print pictures, and all that. I’ve got used to it now. A couple of years ago, I was scared of growing old, and I said so. But not now. I used to sit and think about where all this was leading, and what would all four of us be doing in nine years. But I suppose we’ve all grown up and learned to live with everything. What I’m doing now is what I’m doing now — who knows what’s going to happen?”

Pure Beatle philosophy. But one thing seems certain. As long as they continue making records, they will continue to win polls.

Paul McCartney writing

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