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Monday, June 19, 1967

Interview for ITN

Interview with ITN

TV interview • Interview of Paul McCartney


Last updated on April 30, 2024


  • Published: Jun 19, 1967
  • Published by: ITN


  • Interview location: 7 Cavendish Avenue, St John’s Wood, London, UK


Interviews from the same media

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In an article published in LIFE Magazine, on June 16, 1967, Paul McCartney is quoted saying:

After I took [LSD], it opened my eyes. We only use one-tenth of our brain. Just think what all we could accomplish if we could only tap that hidden part! It would mean a whole new world. If the politicians would take LSD. there wouldn’t be any more war, or poverty or famine.

Paul McCartney – Interview with LIFE Magazine, June 16, 1967

The UK press immediately seized upon it, and three days later Paul gave a statement to Independent Television News (ITN).

Q: “Paul, how often have you taken LSD?”

PAUL: (pause) “About four times.”

Q: “And where did you get it from?”

PAUL: “Well, you know, if I was to say where I got it from, you know, I mean… it’s illegal and everything… it’s silly to say that, you know. So I’d rather not say that.”

Q: “Don’t you believe that this is a matter which you should have kept private?”

PAUL: “Mmm, but the thing is — I was asked a question by a newspaper, and the decision was whether to tell a lie or tell him the truth. I decided to tell him the truth… but I really didn’t want to say anything, you know, because if I had my way I wouldn’t have told anyone. I’m not trying to spread the word about this. But the man from the newspaper is the man from the mass medium. I’ll keep it a personal thing if he does too you know… if he keeps it quiet. But he wanted to spread it so it’s his responsibility, you know, for spreading it, not mine.”

Q: “But you’re a public figure and you said it in the first place and you must have known it would make the newspaper.”

PAUL: “Yeah, but to say it is only to tell the truth. I’m telling the truth, you know. I don’t know what everyone’s so angry about.”

Q: “Do you think that you have now encouraged your fans to take drugs?”

PAUL: (clearly and calmly) “I don’t think it’ll make any difference. I don’t think my fans are going to take drugs just because I did, you know. But the thing is – that’s not the point anyway. I was asked whether I had or not. And from then on, the whole bit about how far it’s gonna go and how many people it’s going to encourage is up to the newspapers, and up to you on television. I mean, you’re spreading this now, at this moment. This is going into all the homes in Britain. And I’d rather it didn’t. But you’re asking me the question – You want me to be honest – I’ll be honest.”

Q: “But as a public figure, surely you’ve got the responsibility to…”

PAUL: “…No, it’s you who’ve got the responsibility. You’ve got the responsibility not to spread this NOW. You know, I’m quite prepared to keep it as a very personal thing if you will too. If you’ll shut up about it, I will.”

From Gissela (tumblr.com) – Paul McCartney holding his cats in St John’s Wood, London, on 20th June 1967.
Paul McCartney writing

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