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Backing band 2001-2018

Last updated on December 23, 2024

Band members

Yes, during a conversation with a band member, my friend and myself were told that the band had an unofficial name in 2013. Initially, it was offered so casually, that we had not thought that it was any sort of secret.

Well, we both had traveled to see both Orlando shows (5/18 & 5/19 ) at the Amway Center. We built a few days before the shows to enjoy some of the attractions in the area. While out, we saw a shirt with that name on it and bought matching shirts for the band. At the first show, I was able to get one of the staff that we are friendly with to deliver the package backstage with a note saying how funny it would be for them to wear it at the next day’s soundcheck.

At some point , we both received private messages from that band member to please keep the unofficial name to ourselves ( that night or morning after 1st show). It became quickly apparent that, it appears that the boss did not know of this name and really just used jokingly amongst the band members themselves. So we both promised not to divulge it. That is now 10 years and change , and I’ve kept it

One day when the band is no longer employed by Paul and touring no longer an option, I’ll tell the story. At that point, I’d guess folks will say….gee, so what was the big deal and I’d agree

What I will say is ,that the member in question has always been kind, generous and candid in his communications with me for 15 years so I was/ and still am, inclined to keep my promise.

I have no idea whether the band call themselves this name any longer but, I have not asked about it in a long time but going by the message we got, I rend to believe that it probably is not.

Well, just a little backdrop of that story that I don’t recall telling prior.

Maccawings – From Current Paul McCartney news thread (interviews, articles, miscellaneous) | Page 602 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

What’s the secret to how Paul McCartney’s band works?

I’m probably too close to it to fully answer that question; but I do feel like we all have a good pocket. When we lock in it has a spiritual feeling. That’s what playing music together is about, right? And the live show becomes a celebration of those incredible, classic songs that everyone knows.

I think the whole band, including Paul, appreciates the magic chemistry and energy that comes off the stage. We all feel super lucky to be a part of it.

It’s fun playing with Paul and Brian Ray. By now I think we can almost read each others’ minds. When Paul plays piano or guitar, Brian plays the bass. The rest of the time, Brian plays guitar. And Wix Wickens, the keyboardist, plays guitar occasionally.

Rusty Anderson – Interview with Guitar World, June 13, 2024

You celebrated the 20th anniversary of your touring band in 2022, having played your first show with Wix, Abe, Brian and Rusty back in 2002. What’s the secret to your success as a live band together?

They are very easy to get on with, and they are very good players. They have a very positive attitude to playing for audiences. I don’t expect dramas – now, that’s not to say that there was always drama in The Beatles or Wings – but this band, because we’ve been together so long now, we can just drop into a song easily. I think that just makes it easier. Sometimes you do think, “Well, a challenge and a drama would make it not as easy, but it might make it more exciting,” but I get plenty of excitement out of this band and the audiences.

Paul McCartney – From 2024 “Got Back” tour book interview

Ross asks: Your current band of Rusty, Brian, Abe and Wix is the line-up you’ve been with the longest. What makes them special to you? 

Paul: Thank you, Ross. It’s funny, because we get on so well! You used to hear, particularly in the ‘70s, of bands breaking up and arguing and not lasting. But with this one, we just get on really well. I think everyone knows that I’m kind of like the governor, so that makes it easier, and we don’t have arguments. We just get on with it. And the band are such good players. We’ve got it now so we can play, we can discuss things, and we can make decisions within the band. And it works well – we’ve been together now for over 20 years, which is crazy!

Paul McCartney – From Paul McCartney | You Gave Me The Answer – The Final Fan Questions for 2024, December 22, 2024
Paul McCartney writing

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