Written by Paul McCartney • Unreleased song
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
The "Get Back / Let It Be" sessions • Day 9
Jan 14, 1969
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
I Bought A Piano The Other Day
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
On January 14, 1969, during the Beatles’ “Get Back” sessions, Paul McCartney was at the piano and improvised a track named “As Clear As A Bell“:
In the course of this discussion Paul mentions La Scala, a famous opera house in Italy, and this causes him to improvise a bit of light opera, once again in falsetto (“As Clear as a Bell Says La Scala, Milan”)
From “Drugs, Divorce and a Slipping Image – The Complete, Unauthorized Story of The Beatles’ ‘Get Back’ Sessions” by Doug Sulpy
A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions - Jan 14th, 1969 - 1 & 2
Unofficial album • Released in 2004
0:26 • Rehearsal • Jan.14 - D1-28 - As Clear As A Bell 14.27
Performed by : Paul McCartney
Session Recording: Jan 14, 1969 • Studio Twickenham Film Studios, London, UK
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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