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Released in 1965

Dizzy Miss Lizzy

Written by Larry Williams

Last updated on March 20, 2025

Album This song officially appears on the Help! (Mono) LP.

Timeline This song was officially released in 1965

Master album

Related sessions

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Other Larry Williams songs

From Wikipedia:

“Dizzy, Miss Lizzy” is a rock and roll song written and recorded by Larry Williams in 1958. Although identified as a “genuine rock & roll classic”, it had limited success on the record charts. Seven years later, the Beatles recorded the song, and John Lennon performed it with the Plastic Ono Band in 1969.


At the end of 1957, Williams scored with one of his biggest hits, “Bony Moronie”. On February 19, 1958, he entered the Radio Recorders studio in Hollywood, California, to record a potential follow-up. He was again backed by some well-known session musicians, including René Hall, who is credited as the band leader and with supplying the distinctive guitar riff. However, it is Williams’ vocal that makes the song stand out, according to music journalist Gene Sculatti, “at ease with its own intensity [that is] finally out of Richard’s shadow.” (Little Richard and Williams were both signed to Specialty Records).

Release and charts

Specialty released “Dizzy, Miss Lizzy” in both the 78 rpm and newer 45 rpm record formats. Williams had several completed recordings to choose from for the B-side, but the label decided to go with “Slow Down“, a track he had recorded at the same September 11, 1957, session that produced “Bony Moronie”. Both sides received notices in Billboard magazine, but only “Dizzy, Miss Lizzy” reached the “Top 100 Sides” chart. It peaked at number 69 during the week ending April 19, 1958. Both songs were included on Williams’s first album, the Specialty compilation Here’s Larry Williams (1959). […]

According to Mark Lewisohn in “The Complete Beatles Chronicle“, The Beatles performed “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” regularly between 1960 and 1962, with John Lennon on lead vocals.

In 1965, the Beatles recorded “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” in response to requests from Capitol Records (their US record label) for new material. The song, recorded the previous year by another Liverpool group The Escorts, is included on the UK album “Help!” and the US album “Beatles VI.” They recorded it along with another Williams tune, “Bad Boy“, on the same day.

In an out-take I heard recently – recording Dizzy Miss Lizzy – John is saying, ‘What’s wrong with that?’ and George Martin says, ‘Erm… it wasn’t exciting enough, John,’ and John mumbles, ‘Bloody hell,’ – that kind of thing was creeping in a bit – ‘It wasn’t exciting enough, eh? Well, you come here and sing it, then!’ I think that’s just the pressure of work. When you’ve been working hard for a long time, you really start to need a break.

Paul McCartney – From “The Beatles Anthology” book, 2000

From The Usenet Guide to Beatles Recording Variations:

  • [a] mono 10 May 1965.
    UK: Parlophone PMC 1255 Help! 1965.
    US: Capitol T 2358 Beatles VI 1965.
  • [b] stereo 10 May 1965.
    UK: Parlophone PCS 3071 Help! 1965.
    US: Capitol ST 2358 Beatles VI 1965.
  • [c] stereo 1987.
    CD: EMI CDP 7 46439 2 Help! 1987.

[a] fades a little earlier. [c] has a lot of reverb added to the vocal, making it the most variant of the CD remixes for this album.


You make me dizzy Miss Lizzy

The way you rock and roll

You make me dizzy Miss Lizzy

When you do the stroll

Come on, come on, come on, come on Miss Lizzie

Love me 'fore I grow too old

Come on, give me fever

Put your little hand in mine

You make me dizzy dizzy Lizzy

Oh, girl you look so fine

Just a rocking and a rolling

Girl I said I wish you were mine

You make me dizzy Miss Lizzy

When you call my name

Ooo, baby

Say you're driving me insane

Come on, come on, come on Lizzy

I want to be your loving man

Come on, give me fever

Put your little hand in mine

You make me dizzy dizzy Lizzy

Girl you look so fine

You're just a rocking and a rolling

Girl I said I wish you were mine

Officially appears on

See all official recordings containing “Dizzy Miss Lizzy


See all bootlegs containing “Dizzy Miss Lizzy

Live performances

Dizzy Miss Lizzy” has been played in 18 concerts.

Latest concerts where “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” has been played

Cover versions played during the "Get Back" sessions

"Dizzy Miss Lizzy" was covered during The Beatles' "Get Back" sessions in January 1969. Here is the complete list of covers recorded by Paul McCartney, either alone or with other Beatles, during these sessions:

Paul McCartney writing

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