Recorded in 1969
Written by Paul McCartney • Ringo Starr • John Lennon • Unreleased song
Timeline This song was recorded in 1969
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
The "Get Back / Let It Be" sessions • Day 9
Jan 14, 1969
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
“I Bought A Piano The Other Day” is an improvisational track credited to John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.
On January 14, 1969, during the Beatles’ “Get Back” sessions, Paul McCartney was at the piano, when Ringo Starr arrived in the studio. After exchanging exaggerated greetings, Paul began playing a loose, jazzy piano riff, and Ringo immediately joined in. As Paul casually improvised lyrics, the track evolved into what resembled a New Orleans-style piano jazz piece. The playful and spontaneous jam lasted roughly 70 seconds.
The track was copyrighted in the United States on July 8, 1970, under the title “Jazz Piano Song,” credited to McCartney/Starkey and published by Northern Songs and Startling Music. It was included in Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s “Let It Be” film in 1970.
However, when included in Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back” documentary in 2021, the track was renamed into “I Bought A Piano The Other Day” and credited to Lennon / McCartney / Starkey.
Well, I bought a piano the other day
I didn’t know music to play
You had to play the goddamn thing
Oh, baby!
A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions - Jan 14th, 1969 - 1 & 2
Unofficial album • Released in 2004
1:20 • Rehearsal • Jan.14 - D1-14 - Improvisation 14.13
Paul McCartney : Piano, Vocals Ringo Starr : Piano
Session Recording: Jan 14, 1969 • Studio Twickenham Film Studios, London, UK
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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