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Recorded in 1960

I Don't Know

Written by Lennon - McCartneyUnreleased song

Last updated on December 24, 2020

Timeline This song was recorded in 1960

Related session

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Other songs from the Kirchherr Tape

From Early Beatles Songs:

This track is only known through the Forthlin Road tapes, where it sits with the series of instrumental jams. This one is a somewhat better structured blues number, with Lennon and McCartney vocalising together and separately, although a full lyric is impossible to decipher. It is presumed to be a co-write, and the lack of proper words suggests it was of recent creation, although probably not made up on the spot. The title is derived from something Lennon seems to sing – possibly referencing himself not knowing any words.


[...] Time don't wait when I'm callin' you, Johnny boy...

Please Johnny, won't you tell me?

I'm gonna see my sister Sue.

If she don't want to see me I don't know really what I'm gonna do...

I don't know, I don't know.


Live performances

Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.

Paul McCartney writing

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james warren • 7 years ago

The first of the song sounds like a bereft, melancholy and wistful Paul.

But his lyrics in the “middle 8” reverts back to the Paul of unbounded optimism and dare I say--Love.

I wonder if Paul included some actual written lyrics of John and then finished up with his good-natured love ballad words?

Gretchen Nelson • 5 years ago

Can I just say I LOVE it when Paul wears Johnny’s glasses!

hanka • 4 years ago

thats mclennon the song

alexander • 4 years ago

i'm surprised at how obscure this song is in the beatles community and how little its talked about because it really does sound like a love song written for each other. i don't really know how else to interpret it. i've read a bunch of different versions of the lyrics and they all come across like p and j are planning to run away together somewhere (and it doesn't really sound like they're planning on taking anyone else with them either)

Sam • 4 years ago

The "I Don't Know" from the Soundcheck 2018 Original In-Ear Monitor Recording and probably the other Japanese release as well is the song from Egypt Station, not the Lennon/McCartney.

The PaulMcCartney Project • 4 years ago

Thanks Sam, I'm fixing that !!

Alexandra James • 3 years ago

I agree with Alexander. I've listened to it multiple times and it's hard to see another credible interpretation, especially given it's improv-d, meaning it's "say whatever comes to mind without thinking."

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