Timeline This song was recorded in 1969
Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1969, when Paul McCartney was 27 years old)
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
Jan 24, 1969
Unreleased song
“Pillow For Your Head” is an unfinished song written by Paul McCartney and performed on January 24, 1969, during the Beatles’ “Get Back” sessions.
On this day, Paul also performed “Every Night,” another unfinished song at the time, transitioning into “Pillow For Your Head” during the same sequence. It is possible that “Pillow For Your Head” was conceived as an extension or variation of “Every Night” at this stage. The performance lasts nearly five minutes, with Paul improvising around the title and a few basic chords. Towards the end of the performance, he weaves in a few lines from another unfinished track, “There You Are Eddie,” that he had performed earlier during the session.
In 2023, some Paul McCartney fans used AI technology to construct a full version of “Pillow For Your Head.”
A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions - Jan 24th, 1969 - 3 & 4
Unofficial album • Released in 2004
5:31 • Rehearsal • Jan.24 - D3-18 - Pillow For Your Head-There You Are Eddie 24.61
Session Recording: Jan 24, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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