Recorded in 1969
Written by Paul McCartney • Unreleased song • Instrumental
Last updated on March 26, 2022
Timeline This song was recorded in 1969
Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1969, when Paul McCartney was 27 years old)
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
Late December 1969 to Jan 03, 1970
Unreleased song
Unreleased song
“Ruper Guitar” is a unreleased instrumental recorded during the sessions for Paul McCartney’s debut solo album, “McCartney“.
From The McCartney Recording Sessions blog:
Rupert Guitar
Backwards Guitar Piece
Cavendish ParadeThese first three are unreleased instrumentals recorded at Paul’s house during the McCartney sessions. These were recorded with the same Studer 4-Track machine that would later in the year be moved up to Scotland to be used in Rude Studio. So essentially, these songs in spirit are Rude Studio recordings. The Rupert Guitar track may well be the unreleased song When The Wind Is Blowing.
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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