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Recorded in 1995

(Sweet Home) Country Girl

Written by Paul McCartneySteve MillerUnreleased song

Last updated on August 30, 2021

Timeline This song was recorded in 1995

Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1995, when Paul McCartney was 53 years old)

Master album

Related session

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Other unreleased songs from "Flaming Pie" sessions

(Sweet Home) Country Girl” is an unreleased song recorded by Paul McCartney during the Flaming Pie sessions, with the participation of Steve Miller.

One was an instrumental and I think McCartney just made up some lyrics on it — ‘Soul Boy’ is that one. And ‘Sweet Home Country Girl’ is a little blues tune that I’d been working on for years. And we did a bunch of tunes and we recorded a bunch of stuff. But, y’know, just because Paul McCartney’s on it doesn’t mean it’s a hit, or it’s a great song, or it’s fabulous, or ‘Man, this is the best piece of work I ever heard! You gotta put this out.’ And so, if it doesn’t come out, there’s usually a reason for it.

Steve Miller, talking to Howie Edelson, for Beatlefan magazine

[(Sweet Home) Country Girl is] a song I’d been working on for a long time and never finished. It starts off kind of like a delta tune that had some nice changes and ‘my baby lives in the city, but in her heart she’s a country girl’ kind of stuff.

Steve Miller, from the 2020 Flaming Pie Archive Collection book
From Facebook – Recorded during the Flaming Pie sessions with Steve Miller, ‘Sweet Home Country Girl’ remains unissued by Miller and McCartney. But thanks to this lyric sheet (courtesy of recording engineer Geoff Emerick’s estate) we now know the words.

Live performances

Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.

Paul McCartney writing

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