Album This song officially appears on the Let It Be (50th anniversary boxset) Official album.
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
Mixing the "Get Back" album (1st compilation)
January 24 & January 26, 1969
The "Get Back / Let It Be" sessions • Day 18
Jan 27, 1969
Mixing the Get Back album (2nd & 3rd compilations)
March - May 1969
“The Walk” is a song written by Jimmy McCracklin and Bob Garlic and performed by McCracklin. It reached #5 on the U.S. R&B chart and #7 on the U.S. pop chart in 1958.
The Beatles recorded a version of it during their “Get Back” sessions, on January 27, 1969.
A short part of this performance was included in Glyn John’s first “Get Back” compilation, created in January 1969, and bootlegged in January 1970 on the “Kum Back” LP. It was officially released in 2021 on the “Let It Be” 50th anniversary boxset.
Let It Be (50th anniversary boxset)
Official album • Released in 2021
0:53 • Studio version • Jam. January 27, 1969 (EMI Tape E90500-8T and NAGRA Roll 521 A and 1110 B). The original performance lasted four minutes, available in mono on the NAGRA tapes, and is tied to an improvisation by McCartney called “You Won’t Get Me That Way” for the first two minutes before becoming “The Walk” (1:53), cover of Jimmy McCracklin’s 1958 song; which Glyn Johns had also used in 1969 for his compilation # 1 of ‘Get Back’.
Session Recording: Jan 27, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
Let It Be (50th anniversary boxset - SHM - Japanese edition)
Official album • Released in 2021
0:53 • Studio version • Jam. January 27, 1969 (EMI Tape E90500-8T and NAGRA Roll 521 A and 1110 B). The original performance lasted four minutes, available in mono on the NAGRA tapes, and is tied to an improvisation by McCartney called “You Won’t Get Me That Way” for the first two minutes before becoming “The Walk” (1:53), cover of Jimmy McCracklin’s 1958 song; which Glyn Johns had also used in 1969 for his compilation # 1 of ‘Get Back’.
Session Recording: Jan 27, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
Unofficial album • Released in 1970
0:59 • Studio version
Session Recording: Jan 27, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
Session Mixing: Late January 1969 • Studio Olympic Sound Studios, London
A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions - Jan 28th, 1969 - 1 & 2
Unofficial album • Released in 2004
1:09 • Rehearsal • Jan.28 - D1-07 - The Walk 27.83P
Session Recording: Jan 28, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
A/B Road Complete Get Back Sessions - Jan 27th, 1969 - 5 & 6
Unofficial album • Released in 2004
4:05 • Rehearsal • Jan.27 - D6-13 - You Won't Get Me This Way-The Walk 27.83 - Medley with "You Won't Get Me This Way"
Session Recording: Jan 27, 1969 • Studio Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row, London
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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