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Recorded in 1969

Torchy, The Battery Boy

Written by Barry GrayUnreleased song

Last updated on March 6, 2025

Timeline This song was recorded in 1969

Related session

This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:

Other songs covered during January 3, 1969 session

From Wikipedia:

Torchy the Battery Boy is a British television series, the second produced by AP Films and Gerry Anderson, running from 1959 to 1961. Directed by Anderson, it was a collaboration with author Roberta Leigh, with music scored by Barry Gray, art direction from Reg Hill and special effects by Derek Meddings.

Based on string puppets, the series depicted adventures of the eponymous boy doll, who had a battery inside him and a lamp in his head, and his master Mr Bumbledrop, voiced by Kenneth Connor (known for his appearances in the Carry On films), who also voiced a number of other characters.

The second series of 26 episodes was produced by Associated British-Pathé without the involvement of Anderson and AP Films. The show is one of several children’s television programmes from the mid-twentieth century to exist in its entirety, without loss or damage. Both series have been digitally remastered and released on DVD. […]

On January 3, 1969, the second day of the “Get Back” sessions, Paul McCartney noodled on the piano and played the theme of “Torchy, The Battery Boy“, waiting for John Lennon and George Harrison to arrive in the studio.


Live performances

Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.

Paul McCartney writing

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