Timeline This song was recorded in 1960
Timeline This song was written, or began to be written, in 1960, when Paul McCartney was 18 years old)
This song was recorded during the following studio sessions:
Home recordings, aka "The Braun Tape"
Circa July 1960
Officially appears on Beatles For Sale (Mono)
Unreleased song
Officially appears on Hello Little Girl
Officially appears on Let It Be (Limited Edition)
Officially appears on Anthology 1
From Early Beatles Songs:
Sounding very much like a McCartney composition, this number is performed by him on the Forthlin Road tapes. At around two and a half minutes, the song is essentially complete and reasonably well done. There is no other evidence of it, bar this one scratchy recording.
The Silver Beatles - Lapis Lazuli
Unofficial album • Released in 2010
2:23 • Outtake
Paul McCartney : Vocals
Session Recording: circa July 1960 • Studio Paul's House Forthlin Road Liverpool
Paul McCartney has never played this song in concert.
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Joost van Gijzen • 6 years ago
He had a horn section in his bedroom?